They should do this for TBC too to be honest and if the population get out of control then it means people are still interested in those expansions and then can add more server one by one or just keep it to only one forever no matter the population like at least we would have something.
I do prefer Cata and MoP though but the more type of WoW games we can play the better in my opinion.
I hope you get a “era” server. I don’t care about one but if people want one - sure I think that is fine.
I have already watched it. When Holly entered the stage the crowd was already muted. Everyone already knew they were going to announce it. Around 3:50 into she announced Cata and the crowd cheered pretty loud. The new hardcore way to play got almost no cheers and honestly “the fall of the Lich King patch” didn’t generate much excitement. She even announced SOD that got only some cheers. SOD going live seemed to generate a fair amount of excitement.
The entire room was very muted for most of it.
I am not sure what stream you watched but I watched the official one and you can see it on youtube