Time to redesign your game Blizzard

Remove ALL timers and replace them with something else that will allow you to increase the difficulty still and get chances at higher gear.

M+ gear and key difficulty scaling to:

  • Objectives - The more you do the better the loot.
  • The amount of deaths and battle res’s used.
  • The better the run (not the faster the run), the higher the next key should be.

If someone wants to spend 20 minutes in a dungeon, do bare minimum objectives and not risk any deaths just to pass the dungeon and get another key at the same level, or just power through just for your weekly and a lower key, let them. If that group than wants to spend 30-40 minutes, run the optimal route and get a key or 2 upgrade, why can’t they?

As much as ‘the timer’ this and ‘the timer’ that. Why can’t those players put their own timer in? We do it for raids, why can’t we do it for dungeons? Guilds do 2 hours, 3 hours, last pull on raids, why can’t those group instead of relying on an inbuilt timer just start their own stop watch, work out their own best route, do their own optimal run and take control back of their own game? Decide for yourself what you want to do and do it. That’s what made the game great, we choose what we want to do, when and how we want to do it.

And than if someone wants to spend 1.5, 2, 3 hours doing all objectives, be careful not to die, get the best possible chance at loot and the highest next key, than what is the difference between that and current raiding? The group size?

M+ already offers the same loot as raiding, albeit much, MUCH quicker if you run with the timer. Why not allow smaller groups , a more relaxed, friendly environment where we can talk, discuss, plan and spend time killing the bosses for the same high level loot and to have the same feel as raiding.

Raids should also scale from 5 man while ensuring mechanics can still be completed by less people. It can be done, there is not a single raid fight out there that cannot still have the same feel, slightly different, yet still similar mechanics and only need 1 tank and healer.

We need RP story based solo dungeons and raids so players can experience the story and whole game and finish things like the War Campaign without needing to go through LFR or find a raid/dungeon group.

We need solo instances that are not bound by any sort of timer or any mechanic that says “You must keep moving or eventually not finish this instance”. Same as above, place objectives, even give us AI to help with certain parts of the dungeon, like you do with the story, the war campaign, make that the same in instances. You know the part where the horde go in and bomb the town in Tirigarde Sound where there is an orc helping you out? Why can’t they do that in instances also? More content for more players to run at their own pace rather than being dictated to get a group.

There is so much opportunity to open this game up to allow more players to experience more of the game, but what do Blizzard do? MORE TIMERS! Timers left, timers right. More timers, need more timers.


16+ keys should have timers only, because this is where people start pushing competitively. Normies don’t need timers.

Torghast should only have timers after we hit a certain point, where it just becomes an endless grind afterwards for nothing but pushing leaderboards.


Honestly there is so much they can do with the game if they stopped thinking what is the least amount of content they can put, but just add a timer to make it seem better.


Are you aiming to make a thread every hour or something?


I mean timers are bad, no?

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Raids fights do often have enrage timers.
It’s fine that some content got timers.
It’s not fine if all content got timers.
For me I’ve argued that M+ below +10s should not have timers.

But I disagree strongly as far as making raids 5 man. One part of the fun of raids is playing with a lot of people 10 man for me is the lowest I’m ready to go for those.

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Why would they be? I’m a tank, I have other things to worry about.

It’s better than hijacking other peoples posts and derailing the discussion no? At least I am trying to be productive here and make positive changes to the game to benefit the lower end of the playing community and not just looking at the top %.

Most people pushing keys up to 15 aren’t competitively pushing leaderboards. That’s after 15.

People play WoW for fun and if Blizzard claims to want to make WoW more accessible and fun for casuals, then they need to make it more fun for casuals while not punishing competitive players.

Competetive players still have their challenge with timers.

Literally no one loses but Competitive players being annoyed with the “knowledge” that at any given moment in WoW, normie casuals are having fun without challenges… O.O I’M SCARED NOW!

So removing timers for normie/casuals is a win/win for hardcore players AND casuals. No one loses.


I would not mind the removal of timers for regular content. The competitive people are the ones who want the timers, so there should only be timers in dungeons higher than +15 and floors higher than the ones that give the good rewards IMO.

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Highest I have done is a 12, would I not also be in this catagory of “people play WoW for fun”

A timer should be toggled for you then, if you want it personally then put it on personally.

A “psychological” timer option for under 15 keys should exist, but timers as a mechanic should exist above 15.


But why can’t competitive players just run their own timers? Make their own leader boards? They made an artificial IO and have their own scoring system.

The game needs to be a challenge and timers are a mechanic of the game. Not just a test they make up.

I 100% respect competitive player’s views of timers.

Well I think a majority of WoW players don’t mind the timer for M+. I could be totally wrong here but I never heard a lot of complaints for it.

As for Torghast, this is a huge tower. They could really experiment with it if they wanted to. This tile leads to a secret room… with even better loot and neater enemies. They could even do a lot more with it than that. I love me some secrets and puzzles, but we all know it’s probably going to be non-existent in that tower. I’m just sayin’.

Either way in Torghast if you are timed you will feel like you don’t have adequate time to explore. More so since the floors are never suppose to be the same from my understanding…

M+ is running the same dungeon over and over again with affixes every week. Torghast is hopefully suppose to add more variety. I think it really depends on how much they get to put into it.

Oh and timer does not equal more difficulty.

hard pass, good night

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What are you even talking about? What does that have to do with what I said about me having other things to worry about.

I just think players need to choose their own play style, decide what content and how they are going to do it without being punished for not meeting the timers. Like in Horrific Visions, if I don’t go fast and follow the ‘timer’ than I lose and get nothing.

I should be allowed to take it easy, spend an hour finishing 2 side zones with a rank 3 cloak and get my reward, but if I choose to do more than it might take me 2 hours, the cloak than would help me go faster and make everything less punishing instead of an absolute must or I don’t finish.

Seriously? 2 Hours? For just half a horific vision? Even the pace we do them at now is boring.

M+ is incredibly popular already, why change the formula for the bottom 1% of the community for no reason at all?

The timer has already exists since Challenge Mode was a thing, and there’s so much leeway in 15 and below, you can just ignore the timer and probably still timed it.

This is one of those “i hate numbers ticking down please remove it” issue.