Time to nerf Shadowmeld

I was looking at both things if you actually read what I originally said. You have to look at both, because for example Dwarf is also a very good race and better than tauren despite not having a direct stat racial, has the same one tauren has, so why is it better? Because it has one of the best if not the best defensive racial in the game. You can’t focus on one without the other, both matter, which is why I mentioned both originally. It would not matter that tauren is worse than say Dark iron dwarf offensively if it was at least better or comparable defensively, but it is not.

Edit: and again, the only real things that matter are Fireblood, Stoneform and Shadowmeld. Those 3 are the big ones that are a little too good with Shadowmeld being the biggest one.

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Races plays a big deal on very high keys, its not just monks that benefit for that (by the way, they are no worse than prot warrior since Siren Isle update). Other than that, you might want to pick something for DPS (for example, orcs for warlock and DK).

Bro wants to reduce the disparity between the race providing the most and least dps when the difference is a negligible 25k.

Adding armor to Taurens endurance passive would reduce racial disparity? Or would adding a 1% mastery increase to Tauren reduce racial disparity? what are you even talking about lmao, gotta be a joke. It is not even the dps that matters much, said that already. Also what is with not reading the entire thing its unreal, was talking about a race being worse both defensively and offensively which is not the greatest thing, especially when the defensive side is pretty lopsided.

I also said this 1 post above yours. Said this multiple times. It is not the dps that really matters.

It should not make you immune to incoming projectiles either, that is a dumb racial

Can we not just make other racials better? And not conservatively better like the pass they just had.

Imagine the worgen racial worked like death’s advance, or the Draenei racial heal was enough to save someone. Anyone willing to take bets on how long the earthen empowered racial will remain obsolete?

Let’s bring everyone else up first.


Because Blizzard is lazy and it’s easier to nerf 1 or 2 racials rather than buff a bunch of them. Honest answer but it’s not always the right one. Most of the posts here are due to pvp and honestly the simplest fix would be no racials in pvp. The pve complaints aren’t really relevant as much anymore as Blizzard makes most instances with stealth detection the norm these days.


I’m not sure many racials can be brought up to the level of Shadowmeld, its too mechanically strong they would have to do way too much to other racials to even come close, and that runs the risk of breaking things. I think they could probably bring racials up to the level of Fireblood probably and Stoneform, ie adding armor to Taurens endurance passive would help a lot with closing that defensive gap, those are very strong but in much more defined and easier to deal with ways. But Shadowmeld is unique in the reason for it being strong, Worgen racial being like deaths advance would still not come close to dropping combat, becoming untargetable and avoiding attacks all in one button.

The complaints are definitely regarding PvP, and I don’t think removing the dropping combat portion of this racial would kill it or anything, it would still be insanely strong if all it did was evade an attack/spell every 2 minutes thats really good for a racial. I also don’t think nerfing it would be because “blizzard is lazy” at all, there is just not much they could do to bring every race closer to shadowmeld, no race is even comparably close right now despite fireblood/stoneform being in the game (both extremely strong racials, fireblood more so). You make it sound simple to buff racials to be close to Shadowmeld but that runs a risk of breaking things further because it is mechanical buffs racials would need, the simplest and best solution is to remove the extremely overpowered portion of this racial from PvP because there are already other racials that are very strong, this one is just -too- strong.

Its not feasible to make 13 other racials better, to take the risk to create an even bigger problem, when you can nerf one to be on pair with others

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Using the data from every spec (including those that night elf cannot even play) above 1800 across all brackets of pvp, there are more Night Elf players than ALL THE HORDE races combined!

The strength of Shadowmeld racial (as well as the other stronger alliance racials) is having a spill over effect into Warmode, where the Horde are just being massively out numbered when farming warchest.

It’s having an effect across all forms of the game.

Time to nerf Shadowmeld.

no you can’t, it’s called power creep and nelf has passed that.

they nerfed orc racial since it was also overpowered and now it’s less played than nelf. you telling me it should be buffed again? absolutely not.

That’s what you get for burning Teldrassil lol


Reason enough for me to drop another comment. Yall ruined my RP experience, its only fair your supposed game experience gets ruined too :triumph:

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everyone would swap ally and go nelf

Whad’ya mean, “would?”

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Give Darkflight free haste/mini-lust and watch all of the Dwarf and Nelf players crying about it being busted.

Ive always said Dark Flight sould give passive Speed.

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Worgen should steal the 2% passive movement speed and 5% passive stealth movement speed from night elves. They have too many racials.

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