Time to nerf Shadowmeld

Devs mentioned in a recent interview that there were still a couple of overperforming racials, but they felt that it would be bad to nerf them mid-season.

I’m making this post to highlight that Shadowmeld has been OP for ages and requesting that the Devs uphold that statement and nerf Shadowmeld in the coming patch 11.1 after season 1 has concluded.


I think shadowmeld should be buffed to legion level


Don’t forget about Stoneform and Fireblood.


The first attack from undetected Shadowmeld should have 25% increased chance to critical strike.


Didn’t you already post a thread about this?


Also shadowmeld should heal the player 25% of their hp every second


Agree! A reasonable nerf could be the following:

He did, but the topic was closed for some reason and then unlisted.

and half the replies after a certain point got completely purged


This needed another thread.

No seriously, this needed another thread.

Also the dwarf racials.


Used to think that stoneform was too op but maybe its the way M+ works that makes it needed. So instead of removing such iconic skill, you can tune M+ in a way that stoneform doesn’t cause a huge impact.

Instead of needing it to not die on a +15 key, make it so said debuff only does % damage, this way it will always do a lot of damage but wont become so lethal at certain key level. The game remains challenging and wont make it so only certain specs/races can perform at high keys.

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what if Shadowmeld has a chance to “fail” when you use it, like the enemy still know you are there even if he dont see you

The only reason its so strong is because Blizzard keeps adding tankbuster bleeds that do so much damage, or curses that only certain classes can dispel that also do way too much damage.

What they need to do is add a stoneform potion that removes bleed effects that shares a cooldown with healthpot.

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Just report this as spam there is already one of these post from the same guy.


His last post was closed and unlisted by a staff member, so he reopened his thread. It isn’t spam.

Sadly it is if a Moderator shut the last one down and I have a feeling I know the elf who caused it, then reposting the same post is considered spam I got a 2 week vacation from the forums a few months ago for the same thing. And the message I got from the Mod was my post was considered spam after the first was removed. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying by any means the Elf was right to get the post removed in the first place but I’m just saying they tend to frown on posts popping back up when they could have just removed the elf offender and left the thread up.

The problem is not with defensive racials. The problem is M+ is busted and BlizZard does not understand this.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Not sure why the old thread would just be closed like that though. OP wasn’t trolling or anything; it’s a legitimate thread asking for Shadowmeld to get nerfed since they were talking about it in the 11.0.7 interviews.

More than likely the elf is getting a fourm break and the mod thought the post was too far gone to save.

The easiest way to reduce the power of shadowmeld without changing its overall theme would be slapping it with a 3minute cooldown and maybe even putting it on gcd.


That was the problem. A couple of troll turned up and just started to insult everyone people when they disagreed with their posts.

Rather than debate the issue of Shadowmeld being strong, they just insulted people and the post got taken down.

I understand if people feel like this is spam, but a post with a healthy debate full of points for and against looking into the strong racials of Shadowmeld and Stoneform, should not just be taken down because a troll with 3000+ forum posts, knows how to muddy the waters with insults.

Here are some points from the precious post as to why Shadowmeld is concidered strong:

Nearly every healing spec in Mythic + has Nelf at the top.
Nearly every healing spec in PvP has Nelf at the top.

If ever Night Elf got Shaman and Paladin then they would have a complete monopoly on healing specs. The reason is because of Shadowmeld, not because they have cool hair.

Shadowmeld can be used to dodge and cheese incoming m+ and pvp attacks.

Shadowmeld can be used to vanish and drink mana in stealth.

Shadowmeld can be used to skip packs in M+

Shadowmeld can be used as an extra vanish on rogues and druids, completely making it mandatory for those spec unless you want to deliberately nerf yourself.

Shadowmeld can be used drop combat and fully res your party in M+

Someone took the data from every spec (including those that night elf cannot even play) above 1800 across all bracets of pvp and there are more Night Elf players than ALL THE HORDE races combined!

That fact alone is very telling to the power of Shadowmeld in pvp.

This coupled with both Stoneforms and now even Void Elf’s rift and warrior’s liking Gnome racails, has left the Alliance with a HUGE advantage on racials which is further evident in the completely imbalanced Warmode PvP when fighting for crates - Horde don’t even bother to show up to contenst them.

Something needs to be done.

Many racials in the past have been bonked on the head with the nerf bat.

Orc, Bloodelf and Human (which currently, if you play a human healer, you effectively do not even have an on use racial, as it shares the same 1:30 CD as the pvp trinket?!) were all brought in line when they were clear outliers.

I’m hoping this post catches the attention of the dev team and that they are seriously concidering that Shadowmeld has been far and away the best racial for a very long time now, and it is making it to where players are saddled with that horrible feeling of…

“Maybe I should just roll Night Elf for Shadowmeld?”

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