Time to nerf Shadowmeld

Yeah dude. Nerf something we need in a pve game where everyone has access to the same stuff lol. Makes perfect sense. Let’s get rid of feign death and invis while we are at it.


Yeah. Mods saw it and nuked it :skull:. I have no interest in dropping more messages than this, just know hes not someone with any valid opinions as he cant back what he says with relevant data.

It did not. Novustrasza was the only one able to articulate the issue with Shadowmeld compared to the other racials and it had nothing to do with the troll reasonings of “30% Nelf representation” or “its so versatile”, Blizzard just needs to normalize their design of racials. Some racials put the trinkets on CD, others dont. Some racials have a much longer CD despite simply being weaker abilities. Some abilities are just useless and need buffs to ever be made useable.

Point is, those 3 things are what need to be addressed and they dont all require nerfing something to address them. For Shadowmeld specifically i still think itd be best to make a PvP trinket with the same effect to give additional access to it without having to pick a specific race. The ability is unique enough to justify it.

Why are you basing your tuning off +15? Thats nearing title level and should not be the focus. M+ scales exponentially and any buffs or nerfs just switch which key level you may encounter a problem, not remove them entirely. There will always be a more used racial, but as long as they all have a reliable use case then the individual comparions dont matter.


True but NE was still popular in PVE and PVP back when it was a 3 min CD. But like other defensive racials they all were always over shadowed by offense oriented racials.

The only reason why defensive racials have become more popular now is because self sustain and self healing of non healer specs is way down and the content in PVE has become harder.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s never been a 3 min CD.

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At this point we should be able to pick our racials when making a character. It would really stop the soy crybabies complaining on a daily.

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Regardless of your stance on the matter, there’s no reason to resort to insults.


In M+, race matters in the higher keys and thats why most tanks are doing dwarf (and variants). I dont care if its nearing title or not, I want to play my favorite mode and be able to stay loyal to my characters fantasy (regardless the role).
I dont see people bringing these issues anywhere else but PVP and M+, so yeah, it matters and is important to focus, so much that Blizzard not only agrees with it, they are rebalancing other races, you might want to test mag’har orc on hunter/sham/warlock now.

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You only have access to it if you play Night Elf.

Difference with those abilities are they’re class abilities. Any race, so long as they can play that class, can use those abilities. Apples and oranges friend.

Shadowmeld was never a 3-minute cooldown, and your claim that “defensive racials were always overshadowed by offensive ones” is just false. Human racial, Every Man for Himself, was one of the most popular and dominant racials in PvP for years because it effectively acted as a free trinket. It was massively represented from Wrath through WoD until it was nerfed in Legion to only remove stuns and share a cooldown with the PvP trinket.

Defensive racials have absolutely had their time in the spotlight.

If youre gonna be talking from the perspective of higher keys the least you could do is post on the toon doing those higher keys. Been about 2 weeks since i looked but back then, title was all +15s. You dont need to be a Dwarf to achieve that judging from all the players above 3300 not even playing Dwarf.

It doesnt matter for those doing M+. Not being a Dwarf is not detrimental to your success.


I am sorry, I am quite new to forums and didn’t check how to select a character to display! (My main is a prot warrior). Reason I mentioned +15 was merely an example of a high key (my best so far is +12). My main point is that the way curses and poisons dont have to scale to the point of becoming a necessity, which I could be wrong and honestly am merely echoing the impressions some players have expressed in the past.

While they can always tune individual spells to not be so oppressive at higher levels, that should only be reserved for frequently occuring uninterruptible spells. Blizz has been pretty good about addressing those (tho i do wish the first section of CoE could lessen them a bit)


you made a second thread on the same topic???

fellow night elves - take it easy on this guy so he can win a match or something :sob:

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A guildie got caught by a pebble and killed in SoB during third boss and instantly race changed away from dwarf

That’s my evoker alter ego


it was locked for no reason.

the racial is overpowered and needs nerfs like yesterday ago


again, i just dont see how this is an issue for this very reason. not every class can be night elf. the game is balanced around this. if you desire to prioritize rp over competition and min maxing endgame content, then that is the choice you are making. but it is not fair to take that choice away from people that dont play the game for rp.

there is exactly one solution, and it isnt nerfing anything in a pve game. i cant believe people ask for this. the solution is to make all racial abilities available to all races.

The solution is and always will be to balance outliers.

I didn’t see how it was an issue either for Blood Elf Arcane Torrent, yet that got reworked and gutted. :person_shrugging:

Inb4, “tHaT wAs LeGiT bRoKeN tHoUgH”

i wasnt playing back then. i have absolutely no experience with the game back when it was a completely casual game.

You weren’t playing in Legion?

i got the game a week or two before legion prepatch. i didnt even know what a racial was back then