Time to make the L of Lordearon an Alliance symbol again

Turalyon argued that if humanity failed to unite they would be remembered as a people that could’ve saved Azeroth but were too proud to put aside political ambitions, yet if humanity did form an alliance they could change history and become the guardians of Azeroth. These words saw the Council of Seven Nations erupt into applause, even from Greymane and Perenolde, and resulted in a unanimous vote to form the Alliance of Lordaeron.


Calia is made of pure Light.

Turalyon going against Calia is him going against his religion.


Blizzard has set up the Horde for a hard win.

The horde originally wanted peace. However racist humans never let them have it.

However with Calia, they can achieve their original goal because Calia neutralizes the alliance greatest army which is the Lightforge Draenei.

Calia just needs to invite Saa’ra to Lordaeron/Undercity and then Anduin and Turyalon won’t touch it out of fear of hurting their precious chandelier.

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We’ve been using the Lordaeron L since the game was released, and still use it to this day. Maybe you want to use it in a larger capacity? Like a “Remember the Alamo” type of thing?

Nah. She’s a forsaken that can use holy magic, just like the ones that came before her. No difference there. The fact is that she’s classified as undead in-game, so Turalyon’s logic of her no longer belonging to this world would hold.

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Ty, ty. How have you been?

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Good, thanks. I hope you and your have all been well, too. :four_leaf_clover:

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I’m mostly talking about using it for an ingame flags/banners/tabards. I assumed part of the reasons we don’t have such a things is the need for all tabards to be symmetrical(which would be a side benefit if ever such a change was made)

Yeah all good here too thank you. Just waiting on DF.

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She was created with a ritual between Anduin and Alonsus Faol with a Naaru watching on and guiding them. That’s not a forsaken lol.

Ok, she’s a FLASHY Forsaken. :stuck_out_tongue:

Retake Lordaeron and put the undead back where they belong. In the dirt. Sounds good to me.

Once again, it’s Lordaeron, not Lordearon.


I’ll just leave this here.

I like the stylized A a lot better, but to each their own I guess.

Undead gatekeeping

She is Forsaken and so is Lordaeron, I am sorry to tell you.

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For Lights sake let Living-Lordaeron die.

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The only thing Turalyon will get is likely a divorce. Alleria will leave him for the void lords.

There’s gotta be a better word for this