Time to get rid of rez sickness?

so as I was leveling an alt, I realized how much I actually HATE rez sickness. and all it does is punish newer players and people leveling alts.

What purpose does it really serve anymore? if I get myself in a situation where I need to rez at the graveyard, then things have probably gone sideways, why add the extra punishment of basically forcing me to stop playing the game for 10 minutes while it goes away. how does it benefit the game to stop anyone from continuing what they where doing for 10 minutes?

now I get that there “might” be ways people could abuse it, quick travel back to town etc… so what… oh nooooo someone might turn in a quest a couple seconds faster (while paying a sometimes hefty repair bill in the process) oh nooo someone might be able to avoid getting corpse camped, how horrible.

Now i’m not saying we should get rid of the durability damage, if anything without rez sickness we could even look at increasing the damage to increase the gold cost for anyone using it as a “shortcut” but making people sit around for 10 minutes basically useless is a bad mechanic in the modern game.


It is a pretty frustrating mechanic, especially if, say, you fall off a cliff or something, and it’s virtually impossible to actually get close to your body, so you just have to take the res sickness and stop playing for ten minutes,


I honestly don’t know why it’s in game. I’m sure there was a reason associated with RP or immersion, but this game doesn’t really care about that anymore. Now Rez sickness is just a pain in the bum.


imo the free rez without sickness should be pushed all the way up to like 119/49 (SL) instead of just sub level 10.


Yeah, it doesn’t really serve a purpose

Could just keep the gear penalty and remove the part that stops you playing for 10 minutes


Sounds like someone is lazy. Not hard to walk back to body.

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You must’ve never experienced dying in some place you physically can’t corpse run back to then.


I have. It happens very very very rarely.

You’ve never been corpse camped? … ever?


Much of the game is about efficient use of time, so being lazy is a good thing.

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No, it’s not time. There’s already little penalty for dying.


Aside from the shame that comes with death, there isn’t any penalty that comes from dying.

Time wasted

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So they should remove death to avoid players wasting their time?

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I say we replace it with old school EQ. You die, you loose a %of your exp bar. Die enough times and you drop a level.

Also make corpse runs real corpse runs. No items, not armor. It’s all waiting on your corpse. That will despawn eventually.


Lmao yesss make me immortal!! Or give Bwonsamdi more great lines to troll with and place him at EVERY graveyard :joy:

Ress sickness and ress CD need to go. Dont you just love getting ganked and YOU have to wait because they keep killing you so you get double punished?


Yes, I’m sure this will gel well with the community.


Or you could choose not to rez next to the players camping your corpse. You could find a place far enough away to rez, hearth, disable warmode and never have to worry about being camped again.

The rez cd still serves a purpose. Without it players in raids could simply mindlessly charge outdoor raid encounters and win by attrition.

Then they should probably stop crying over a few minutes.