Time to delete ground mounts?

sunday needs to be banned.

I collect them…so no to removing them.

It wouldn’t please anyone, you’re correct.

This! Why remove when all you have to do is give the ground mounts the ability to fly.

Raptors may look a bit odd flying, but think it wouldn’t be a problem.
We already have cat and horse mount flying ,so enabling it on the other’s wouldn’t be such a stretch.

No way. Early Sunday morning coffee forum reading…it’s better than the Sunday paper.

Obviously OP does not have a sick motorcycle.

You don’t know what month it is, do you?


My Lucid Nightmare will be flying next patch, so if that can be done with one type of ground mount, then maybe all ground mounts could fly.

Sure, it would be very silly seeing some mounts flying.

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This is my first Sunday on the forums. Didn’t get why people kept mentioning it. I now get why they kept mentioning it…


You poor summer child. It’s too late for you now.


Also you will need ground mounts in Shadowlands until you complete Pathfinder

No thank you, many of the flying only mounts look atrocious when they’re on the ground. Some even try and walk on their wings. It’s horrible. Leave ground mounts where they are. Besides there are ground mounts that have functionality that doesn’t exist in flying mounts.

The Grand Expedition Yak is one such example. Several of the mammoths also have features not present in flying mounts.

They have a use in areas that don’t have flying (some dungeons, raids, islands, warfronts, pvp areas, etc.) And for about a year into an expac, everyone is on the ground. We don’t have a timetable for how long renown will take before getting flying. Or if it’s something they’ll have to unlock.

Also, you take away any of my mounts, and we are fighting!

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You forgot the 5 million gold Longboy

I like my ground mounts. I would like to keep them. Especially my Kodos and Alpacas.

Leave my unicorns, my Prowler Lothien, Anzu and my Great Yak alone.
The rest? I’m never going to miss another horse. Maybe Blizzard does.


Removing content =/= fixing content

we spend 50% of our time in each new expansion grounded.
We have lots of time to use our ground mounts.

My favourite mount in the game is the Llothien Prowler.
I’m hyped to be able to use it again in shadowlands

It’s lawless corona times. Everything blends together. Time is a manmade construct!

Thats why nobody like your idea. U dont know whats good and whats not


Don’t you dare touch my longboi.

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Never! I would never give my green marsh hopper up! :rage: I worked hard to get him! :frog: