Time to beg for arms warrior buff

hey, it’s me again everyone’s favorite buff begger. for the love of god buff arms it’s so bad. look at the logs for example. a mediocre shadow priest is doing more damage than the top arms in the world…no shattering throw glyph is going to add upwards of 2-3k dps…even a minor 3% across the board would do wonders for arms. why would you ever play arms when fury with less buttons does more damage. i have no solution for this as i don’t do numbers or really understand it but like come on. it’s just horrible and almost not fun to play if not for their dungeon capability. please bliz just do something for arms.

arms should not be doing 1k less at best than another pvp dps spec…it’s simply not fun to know that your best isnt even as good as some guys average. why is doing less more dps but the more buttons you press less. oh well. cant wait to hear the warlocks, dks and mages tell me to play something else smh

(talking about outliers as that’s the top dps a class can do and should be used since it shows how good a spec is in the right hands)

Or when luck it has large RNG variance,
or when raid conditions are stacked in it’s favour … Outliers don’t show optimal usage, they show optimal conditions and outcomes possibly. But these aren’t all individual player controlled.

Outliers don’t tell you nothing, but they don’t tell you much either. May as well assess only the number one player’s logs by your logic.

Arms buff now only $89.99 in cash shop!


It’s like literally the best PVP spec in the game.


Arms will be GREAT once Armor Pen is in the game in amounts that make the difference. Deathbringers Will and Shadowmourne and people will be saying Arms needs a nerf…

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Yep. In final phase Warriors will be gods.

Arms is A+ tier for all of Cata so that’s when you’ll get your “buff” sweetie.

Nerf pvp arms.

  1. I don’t think anyone has a “favorite beggar.”
  2. Leave whatever love you may have for fictional religious characters off the forum.
  3. Try using fury to deal more damage.

wait for cata

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

Nice meme

They’ll be 3rd-4th top dmg in full BiS as Fury

not at all what i was talking about but it’s not ret pali is…

and this forum sucks ngl no one even contributes to the convo it’s all “just wait til cata lul”
“just play fury lul” smh

Arms is to warrior as sublety is to rogue.

There’s nothing wrong with having a complete spec tuned to pvp.

Go fury and get it done!

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I hear affliction warlocks, unholy death knights, and holy paladins are pretty good in PvP.

Why do those specs get to be god tier in both while arms is relegated to “PvP spec” status to justify it having the lowest PvE dps in the game?

idk that this is true, but arms is absolutely amazing in PvP!

I’m not sure if you’re trolling here, or if you are advocating that all specs across all classes perform all roles equally well across all content.

I’m just wondering why some specs get to be really strong in PvE and PvP, while some specs are left in the PvE dumpster because they are strong in PvP. Warlocks’ 3rd best spec is as good as warrs’ best (and not bad in PvP either?), and their best spec is also their best PvP spec.

You mean majority of talents in the same tree, or same point allocation?

For one, we’re getting a version of the game with the last-patch talent changes to characters, but gearing progression of the OG cycle. It’s likely that they designed and implemented buffs and changes to classes and specs originally based on data at the time.

I’d be very doubtful that it has ever been a design goal or intention to have all classes capable of performing at the exact same levels across all content in any given combination of talent points. So that very much means that there will be some variation, and some combinations of classes and talent point allocation will perform better in some situations than others.

I don’t think it’s very reasonable to assume that a DK should perform equally well in a DPS role while having most talent points allocated into the Blood tree, for example. We can also pretty safely assume that careful selection of talent points into talents that will increase DPS situationally according to the type of encounters you are expecting to deal with will lead to better overall DPS output than a random assignment of talent points, generally speaking.

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I have no idea what you’re even on about. Arms can’t get buffed because it’s a “PvP spec” and yet a good PvP spec like feral has received buffs in PvE, where it was already much, much better than arms. Nobody’s saying you should be able to throw your talent points whatever and perform exactly the same in all content. I have no idea where that even came from.

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Well, I’m not on about:

That’s absolutely not a point that I’ve made.

Not really. Feral had a playstyle that Blizzard didn’t like, so they made some snap changes terrorizing the feral playerbase unnecessarily. Fortunately, they quickly reverted one of the changes they made that had been ninja-patched. Feral wasn’t given a buff, rather Bearweaving was made undesirable. This is a distinction that is noteworthy.

Rather than “buff arms warriors,” how about “revert all changes to ferals,” please.

Well, what exactly is it that you are asking? And what is it based on? So what if some talent point allocations perform worse in some content than others?

Yeah, it’s a point Blizzard made. Do you even know where you are right now?

And are you sure that’s not a point you’ve tried to make? Because it kind of seems like it when this is your first reply to asking for arms PvE buffs.

Except they were buffed, significantly, in the process?

I’m asking why arms (and sub and frost too, but at least their other specs are really good) being terrible in PvE is justified by it being a “PvP spec” while some of the absolute best PvE specs are also top PvP specs.

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