Time to beg for arms warrior buff

Link, please?

It isn’t.

If you said something like, “Man, I really prefer the Arms tree and playstyle over Fury. I wish it performed better in PVE.” I’d say something like, “Yeah dude; I totally agree. I’ve never been a fan of Fury, but it was pretty decent in Classic era!”

But that’s not what you’re saying. You seem to have some narrative that arms cannot get buffed because it’s strong in PVP according to Blizzard.

I don’t think you’ve either established that that’s the case, nor that there is any case to be made why some specs should be buffed. We also are literally just starting this phase. Let’s see how things play out over the next few weeks as we get some different gear and stats to play around with.


“All of these specs also have traditionally been viewed as PvP specs, and we are very leery to shift the meta in PvP while chasing a buff to PvE. This is why we went the direction we did for Retribution; as the impact to PvP shouldn’t be large.”

Not getting buffed because it’s a PvP spec. Because it’s totally impossible for them to buff a spec in PvE only lol

Arms is worse in PvE than sub, frost, and BM, and those other classes also have better specs available to them. If feral and ret can get buffs, arms should too.

Arms is not going to magically be a decent spec.

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From the same quote,

Also, to note, what you’re quoting is absolutely not a thread about why warriors aren’t being buffed, but rather why they felt it was reasonable to buff PVE DPS paladins. Context is somewhat meaningful here, and this is not Blizzard stating that

OK, firstly there’s the question of “So what?” which sort of supersedes any other questions. Whether this is true or not, doesn’t particularly matter if there’s no reason whatsoever established that any class or spec should be buffed.

Go ahead and revert the changes to feral. This is 100% not a reason to buff arms.


no dude arms is literally bottom dps till the end of the game

Arms does NOT need to be changed, it is in an amazing state for PVP.

if you balance it for PVE youre gonna probably screw over all the people who actually use the build for its intended use - PVP

if you want to PVE arms, good for you, but you can literally just get a second 2h and do more damage. Stop griefing your raid and if you want to be arms do it in arena.


I agree. Unbuff Feral…

I never specified PVE or PVP did I?

almost every other class in the game has a more viable spec than arms being shown in the logs for arena for example. on top of that many of the top specs in pve are also top specs in pvp so why not give arms the same typa love? the logic would be fine if per say dks warlocks priests rogues (aside from sub somewhat but it still has much higher dps than arms) palidan etc were all not that great however, that’s not the case. in the top 200 dps there are ard 20ish warriors and every other top pvp spec is more represented. i dont understand what you keep saying about pvp. it doesnt have to top the meters but it shouldnt be doing 50% of the dps of another spec with the same gear/weapon???

Blizzard should of never touched balance, its classic 15 year old expansion, let all the cry baby warcraft log people that literally do nothing but raid log go back to retail and just ignore balance whiners.

imagine asking for balance changes to classic era, so cringe.

To be fair I don’t think Arms was ever good DPS in raids up until this point in the game history. Don’t understand why you aren’t dual specing Fury since meters are obviously important to you.

It’s 2023. Blizzard can make changes that affect PvE but not PvP lmao

Yeah people are running out of glyph spots.

They can but we have YET to see a buff for (PVE ONLY) on classic.

Arms is fine right where it is, blizzard doesnt have the moxy to do pve and PVP balancing coding without just crutching on glyphs. Which people are running out of.

If you break arms, youre gonna have a horrible time in PVP, and it is the main viable spec for PVP atm.

Just grab another 2h and do more damage. Warrior sucks till end of P3 anyway

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