Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

I mean, a number of these people turned out to be despicable human beings. I wouldn’t exactly put the “old guard” up on a pedestal. “Never meet your heroes” as they say. Blizzard has always had its issues. Their greed has definitely been stepping up over the last few years though.

Blizzard makes $120 if someone buys this mount with gold.

Am I the only one that got “Don’t you guys have phones?” vibes from the line in the article: “Don’t forget you can invest in your new gilded age with WoW Tokens.”
…and also no you can’t. I’ve not been able to buy a token all day despite the cost of them going up an extra 60k over this thing.


yup , cause even if people buy it with gold , it could be used to pay subscription fee , or D4 or the next COD

Oh no I’ll end up buying it because I can and it’s insanely useful for farming. That doesn’t mean it’s not evil trash. If you can’t buy it don’t! If you don’t want to on principle, don’t! I have never purchased a single thing from the store on principle and I know I shouldn’t buy this either.

Whales who often suffer from mental disabilities will not do that it’s exploitive and a complete scam if I wanted I could 100% afford it but that’s not the point. People who don’t know any better and just barely managing to get by will buy this putting themselves in financial risk giving Microsoft the message that Whales their true target will buy lazy Macrotransactions.

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I will say the timing of this mount is hilarious and embarrassing for Blizz.
Like man, you guys maybe should have waited like a month or two.

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It’s just hilarious.

Who knew something completely innocuous would rouse the little street rabble to their moral soap boxes?

Oh i know its useful for farming, I had the original day 1 of BFA, made that money back that week lol

Yes, that tends to be what happens when a company overcharges for something lol

I mean, yes? Have you been living under a rock the past three years and missed the discourse surrounding inflation?

Probably not. They didn’t spend the money on it. Why would they say no lol


Too complex of an explanation for you? Here, simpleton. The TLDR version just for you: I bought it because I liked it. No other reason.

oh yeah way too complicated.

To be fair… this was sorta their own bad decision. Blizz isn’t holding a gun to anyone’s head. They didn’t have to spend that much money on it, and they shouldn’t have unless they could afford to do so.

Except it’s not. They could have done this with any other mount for 4x the money and it wouldn’t have caused much fuss at all. Nice try though.

Sure, it doesn’t make it any less gross though.

It is. You don’t have to buy it. You don’t even have to acknowledge it, yet here you are trying to sound morally righteous.

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I absolutely consider myself morally superior to any company that thinks selling a mount skin for $90 is justifiable lmao


Shameful and disgusting.


Let’s just say…

If you were to agree to debate a box-of-rocks, my money would be on the box.

i mean, um wow, maybe 40-50 tops tbh with all that it does and since regular mounts are 30.