Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!


You join the ranks of the same dim bulbs that complain about capitalism on their smartphones, drinking their sham, local coffee swill.

Gonna take a wild guess that you’re not a very good person.
How you gonna talk to a stranger like that because you bought an absurdly expensive mount?

Bold choice to defend capitalism in this late stage.

can we get one that flies, has xmog, banking, crafting tables as well, and some dudes hanging in harnesses to herb and mine.

This just shows blizard lost it and absolutely will never get it back, all they can do is scam whales


Because capitalism is the source of all your problems after mommy and daddy.

I do fully expect a flying mount that’s like a base at some point.
Floating city.

Smartphones are a necessity in today’s society. I can function as a member of society without a cosmetic mount, but my life (and work, for that matter) is infinitely harder without a smartphone.

Try again lmao

I don’t drink coffee lol

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I notice this is a limited time offer that ends on Jan 5th. Will the price go up considerably or will it just disappear from the shop?

mommy and daddy…?
What a weird thing to say.


Disappear, gotta get that fomo money baby.

Someone get on a Healer cause that was a bad burn.

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Im not mad and happy for everyone that can now get one

But why was there no $90 option for the og longboy. That is literal pennies compared to the $700 worth of tokens needed in shadowlands.

In essence i paid for 7 longboys. I feel like being gifted one or discounted would be nice

Sort of like a complete stranger taking a ‘holier than thou’ stance from their ego-erected pedestal, trying to make those spending THEIR money the way THEY want feel guilty?

Et tu, Brute?

You heard it here first folks, three months is ‘FOMO’.


correct, money and ignorance made a humanity that will never stop overpopulating (because earth has no max size and you’re not just spoiled kids?) as you think ‘rich’ people are better because they were better scam artists. All I know is a revolution doesn’t happen because america was racist, it happened because the market got ruined by the colonizers which we now are for other countries like DR of Congo; money is a major thing, better than humans being together.

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oh yah, i didnt even think about that, for 90$ , my dude better water walk, wall walk, fly and more that i cant think of rn.

Uh fairly sure it will be removed from the store in a classic blizzard fashion of making you fear of missing it out.

Oh look I agree. I love the model and couldn’t care less about the AH. I think what irks me was the AH being one of blizzards reasons for removing it. Kind of goes to show those sweet, sweet dollars over what they see as detrimental to the game :man_shrugging:

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I don’t think you understand the concept of fomo.
If something has an arbitrary end date, for no reason other than artificial scarcity, that is absolutely FOMO tactics.

Fomo doesn’t mean something ends in a day or a week. That’s not how it works.


Capitalism isn’t the issue.
The issue is waning meritocracy thanks in large part to the hideous relationship between government and corporate interests.