Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

My point is get a new hobby and stop worrying about what other people spend their money on. Not sure why you feel the need to pity people who work and spend their own money how they see fit.

We’re going in a circle here. Say whatever you want to justify your jealousy. I pity you for being so pathetic.

Man, you really don’t know what that word means.

What hobby?
Feeling bad for someone is the least problematic thing on these forums. Get mad at someone else. I wasn’t the one who ripped you off.

Thank you so much Blizzard. I really wanted one of these ever since I returned in BFA right during the period when the original was being removed.

It would have cost me almost $1000 back then in WoW tokens, so this has definitely been something I have been hoping for, for a long time.

Available until January…hardly FOMO. I bought it simply because I wanted it, and my wife wanted one. Nothing more. I don’t fall for FOMO crap. I’m older, wise, and clearly more in control of my emotions than that FOMO crowd.

FOMO…what a joke.


Someone tell me why this 90 damn dollars ?? Blizzard tell us you need money WITHOUT telling us you need money…WTH

It’s about 1.5 million gold in wow tokens (one token gets you 20AUD) to buy the mount with battlenet balance. Not a lot of gold if you put in even a little effort to making gold.
The difficult part at the moment is getting the tokens but that will die down by January.

You are literally the only person mad here lol. Bye weirdo.

If it’s only available for a set period of time before vanishing forever, then FOMO is in full effect.


I’m not mad at anything.
You seem to feel the need to justify your purchase.

Again, I feel bad for you. Hope your day gets better.

Not for me. Not even close. I rarely do AH stuff.

Nope, I just liked the model. A model I didn’t have. A very nice, aesthetically pleasing, unique mount.

So…I bought it. Eazy-peazy, lemon-squeazy.

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Out of curiosity why is anyone worried about how another person spends their money. People need to worry about their pockets and the money they have in it. If any at all.

Imagine what the original developers would think of this? You know the people who actually gave love to their game and listened to their fanbase? The people who are no longer there and are just replaced by men in suits? The people that started this entire thing and are no longer with the company? Yeah, those people.

Yah, Canadians are paying just as much as they did for an expansion for a single mount…kind of…well there really is no better word…“so low of IQ that you are functionally useless”. (referring to our caretakers that bestowed this mount upon us)

Ya’ll can choose not to purchase it, that is your choice.

I bet some of you have hobbies that other’s consider a waste of money.


Disclaimer to appease the new California law about buying digital products.

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I’m not upset any of the people who bought it, they got taken advantage of.
My issue is always with the company, never the customer, assuming they’re respectful.

It’s suppose to more easily inform people they don’t own ANY of this stuff.
But as you can see from this thread, no one really understands that.