Time is Running Out To Get The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur!

I don’t have the original brutosaur mount, didn’t quite pull together the 5 million gold and I’ll never have the gold cap needed to grab it off BMH now - I don’t buy in-game gold with tokens. I love that mount though, least of all because of it’s AH function, mostly because of it’s big, goofy face, and the sheer joy of watching it galumph around like an overgrown puppy.
I’m not against store purchases, in fact, I have all the store mounts. I actually followed the link to buy this one. But … a mount that costs as much as the game itself? NO!
Not only is it ridiculously expensive, it has none of the charm of the original. It’s over-priced and over-decorated, and I don’t want anything to do with it.

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LMAO! :rofl: Dude, go outside, it will be okay.

I was outside most of the day, what’s your point?

Whatever that is, why not tell me because Im not checking it without more info. It could be something inappropriate.


Currently livin through a cost of living crisis and you think people can afford a mount that costs more then a triple A video game? Like far out $120AUD for a bunch of fancy pixels like omg.

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oh lol , a gif of Dan devito , not inappropriate. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve already seen the pettiness spreading when these new big money spenders ejecting their AH and Mail npcs from their mounts. I just laugh.

BTW , i used to be in the army but … i got shot in the knee . Is that you ?

I am pretty convinced that the current wave of monetization is due to Microsoft.

They shelled out billions to buy Blizzard and they now want a bunch of that money back. So, rather than giving us a mount to celebrate the game’s birthday, they give themselves a gift by selling something they know research has shown them that people really want.

It’s really rather obvious, if you think about it.


How sad is your life that you’re bitter towards people who have cash to burn?

Do you know what pity is? Doesn’t seem like you do.

Blizzard needs to come out with an achievement for owning both called “Two Dinos One Bone” ;D

That’s not pity it’s jealousy :man_shrugging:t2: you’re jealous because people have cash to burn.

So you don’t know what it means. Got it.

Lol, AH and mailbox. Clearly designed for bots.


Having been around this “community” for nearly 30 years (yes, wife and I played WC1/2/3 as well), oh, and I use the term “community” with a HUUUUUGE grain of really bitter salt, it’s ALWAYS been this way.

In the early days of the WoW forums they were branded the ‘script kiddies’. You know, the ones who literally lived in their parents basements eating twinkies, drinking Mtn Dew, and gaming/coding/doing geeky stuff all night by the dim light of a flashlight. Yeh, the ones that had absolutely ZERO interpersonal skills and a negative register on the social grace scale.

Point being…Blizzard “communities” have ALWAYS been toxic. Some folks just weren’t around until recently to see it in action. These forums have ALWAYS been a cess pool of vitriol spewed by the childish, or otherwise under-developed ‘adults’ (another term applied very loosely).

And yes…I’ve spewed my own share of vitriol here. I own it, and most of the time I end up realizing it was a complete waste of effort, and that I should have focused on other things productively.

Speaking of…my studio calls. I must go create…MUSIC! PEACE!

“Celebrate camaraderie”? More likely mourn a divorce if I spend NZD$144 on this. Understand there has to be some balance against the time people spent farming the required gold for the original, but sweet baby Thrall - this is greedy as all hell.


…and they still don’t.

They spent billions, out of their trillions. It was just a drop of water in the bucket for them xD

This new windows OS crap they want to pull is what is going to ruin Microsoft, almost everyone I know personally is switching to linux now

They won’t give us anything when they can monetize it. That’s MicroBlizz.