Time is Running Out on the Winds of Wisdom 50% Experience Buff!

With this buff in conjunction with heirloom gear, about how quickly can one expect to level 50-60? Assuming the buff remains until Nov 15.

Is it though? A great time?

On the PTR right now the xp buff nor xp changes are in. Could we please get some clarification on when the xp changes will hit live? Oct 25? Nov 15? Nov 28?


Can we also get some clarification if Chromie time is meant to be available at prepatch?

I just leveled a warrior from 50-60 in about 5 hours that was with several breaks

i’d like to know when this ends so i can plan accordingly

I do believe that this ends 15/11/22

& then what do we do after spending a day making a evoker while waiting for launch?
At least alt leveling was something to do

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Then level alts. There is still the anniversary buff 18% and the nerf to exp required 40-60.

People are saying it’s faster to level after the 15th.

After the 15th the XP required from 41 and on is less. 50-60 is nerfed so hard it will be faster then it is now WITH the winds buff.

Yeah it is insanely nerfed in the 50 to 60 range which is awesome. Blast to 60 on the 15th and get easy 252 and 278 loot from the event.

And gear up your brand new evoker super fast too.

I just do not understand why the buff needs removed before launch just give us the week then remove it on launch day. 60 will still be cap till Dragonflight comes

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Seems to be already removed. Created a new character this morning and the buff is nowhere to be seen

Definitely still there, doesn’t show up til level 10 though, so if you made a level one that’s why

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Oh ok, thanks!

Do you guy really need to shut this off tomorrow? Evokers will only get two levels.

I mean, you’ll level faster tomorrow without it than today with it.

This makes no sense.

There’s massive xp nerfs coming with part 2 tomorrow, 50-60 is hit exceptionally hard, up to 75%+ per level.

One of the major leveling speed runners went from 4 hours with winds to 3 hours with just the xp nerfs.

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Oh sweet. Thanks for that info.