Time for Firelands nerfs

Firelands is officially in its 11th week. 11% of the 25 man Guilds have killed Heroic Ragnaros, some more are probably very close; however, now would be a good time to release the nerfed version of Firelands. Let the casuals have a little fun and get their Heroic Rag kills and let it be easier for those of us who have already gotten it.


Time for also rising the VP per dungeon back to 480 per dungeon as well…
Time for joyous journeys to return maybe?

Alot of things that this dev team wont do because they are not interested except the bare minimum for cataclysm and future mop.


Only 11% of guilds have killed it? That’s honestly surprising.

And only 8% of 10 mans.

Theres no need to nerf rag. Let it remain an achievement. Put his gear on a vendor instead, with DS patch. All of it.

Instead of nerfs they should increase loot drops, add omni token, etc. That’s also a nerf but preserves the fight, and lets us finish BIS.

why cant they have a little fun after they get DS gear and go back to do it the right way?

How are you getting 11%?
If I’m looking at warcraftlogs Firelands has a 40% clear rate on heroic and last tier had 50% so we’re not far in term of %. (If I am taking only groups that have killed at least one boss on heroic)

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No reason to nerf something that naturally gets nerfed over time anyway.


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Kill % is 11% on 25 man, and only 7.5% on 10 man.

That data doesnt seem right, first its over 2 weeks. And it calculates parses for kills vs parses for wipes , so more a difficulty representation than a progression one, you can look at progress instead if completion rate is what you want.

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It means 11% of the players that attempted rag killed him. How is that inaccurate?

Theres no way 40% of guilds have killed rag. But even then your data is guilds, where as the data we are using is players. Lots of players pug/gdkp without a guild and are still trying to get a rag kill.

honestly they should start adding nerf’s in to the content, an just saying “oh more gear will make it easy” that does not count as a nerf.