Time and Time Again ((Sign Ups/OOC))

The only race that’s been observed as being capable of undergoing the transformation is the Night Elves, though why is uncertain. Is it due to a special enchantment from Elune bestowed upon the race as a whole, or something in their physiology - perhaps something to do with the time the race has spent in Moonwells, or the Well of Eternity from millennia ago? Or is one simply required to have appropriate devotion to Elune - which only the Night Elves do, in game.

Without more information about what exactly occurs in this transformation, and the associated ritual, we can not say what the prerequisites for undergoing the change are. Though this IS stated that the ritual is so dangerous that all attempts to recreate it have failed… until Tyrande, that is.

I like that idea! Let’s go with that!

Now, concerning it’s use in the Night Warrior ritual, I feel that can play a big part in this RP if everyone wants? Does everyone want to stick to lore as closely as possible? If not, how would you guys feel about possibly making our characters go through the ritual if the RP advances that far ahead, possibly if we want to extend the RP past finding the Eye of Elune? Just an idea.

Also, I’m considering writing a story to help me define Nightbloom into a fool fledged character. It usually helps me to do this to make my characters feel more realistic since I can let them develop how they may. I was thinking about posting it into the forums, what do you guys think, since he’s kind of a main character in this RP?

I don’t have any problem with it. I may not keep it as a permanent part of Haraak’s character afterward, but for the sake of this thread I’m open. He’s kinda underdeveloped at the moment and prone to changes anyway.

That’s a decent idea, just to help get to know him better before things really start.


I’m certainly not going to be the kind to get hung up on specific details of the Lore if it means having a good story, so I’m game. Zaramai likely will not be affected by the ritual, however, as she is Sin’dorei through and through.

Not that she wouldn’t be capable of assisting with her considerable power, mind you.

I posted before, but I finally got to get off mobile, so I switched my character back. Do you guys want to start the RP or wait a bit?

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Go ahead and start, I say.

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Cool. Sounds awesome!

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When will we start this?

Hi everyone! I apologize that I have not posted the beginning! I went on vacation and expected to have access to a computer, as I usually do, but I did not. I will be creating the first post tomorrow evening, and it will be posted by night. Thank you guys for understanding!


Bumping this to see what the word is. Can’t say I’ve seen the IC thread yet. Did I miss it somewhere?

I haven’t forgotten this thread yet D:

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I am really sorry! I had an emergency and my work schedule has had me absolutely exhausted with working weeks with no days off and 10 hour days. I am back however, and everything is calm. I will be posting the the IC thread as soon as I can. Plan on tomorrow night or Tuesday morning at the latest! Also, I tried to post the IC thread before, but I had some kind of issue and it wouldn’t let me post! I got it resolved, so that’s why I haven’t been updating you guys! Soon, I promise!


Uhm. Is the IC thread up yet?

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It is! Everyone has begun posting! I couldn’t post to let people know because it won’t let you post until someone else does. Once everyone makes their first post I’ll post again!

I’m here. My game time lapsed and I guess there is a time limit where in you can still post on the forums. Though I also got a post removed because:

“There is no active game time associated with this account.” - System

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I beg your pardon? I didn’t “steal” Ravage… I rescued him. :sweat_smile:

He was a small kitten of low level and I braved the trip solo. Corps hopping for almost two hours through the plaguelands to get to the portal into Ghostlands and then Silverpine. Very brave for someone who wasn’t even high enough for a mount at the time. I don’t think anyway.

Ravage is my oldest pet on this character. Not IC but of the ones I have in-game. I made the trip shortly after reaching level 10 and able to tame my own pet back in BC. I’m not actually sure when he got him in-character however. I figure it was before the Blood Elves defected. May need to look into that, maybe he did invade Silverpine and kitten-nap one of the local population.

Ryu was raised by the Kaldorei and spent a good 100 years with them on Kalimdor before the events of the Third War and Warcraft III. It was only after that time that he even stepped foot back in the Eastern Kingdoms. So I guess he may have tamed Ravage some time between then and when the Blood Elves joined the Horde. Not a big window mind you as most of Ryu’s story has been on Kalimdor for the events of Vanilla.

So I had an issue with my card, and they didn’t recharge me for my game time, so I got it fixed, and am able to post now!

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Is this still accepting applications? I kind of want to join up with the bad guys. Maybe be an internal antagonist for the Hero group.

Much like how Theran is using Liara as an infiltrator?

Possibly. I guess.

Akumu Blackheart just loves doing things he thinks he can get away with. Messing with people’s perception…