Time and Time Again ((IC Closed))

Zaramai looked over the other arrivals as they began to trickle in. Mostly druidic elves, but all Alliance. The Sin’dorei felt quite outnumbered, but kept it hidden. The other elves all seemed to know each other - no surprise - while the draenei seemed to be requested assistance, like herself. The mage rolled her eyes at the dwarf and his pets when he made his ‘grand entrance’ (at least she imagined that was his intention). Her annoyance grew as she watched the growling lynx stalk towards the group. The dwarf had the nerve to venture into Sin’dorei lands and steal the native wildlife from her home!

Zaramai rolled her shoulders slightly, fidgeting as she turned her attention to their ‘host’ once again. “So is this the strike force you’ve summoned to deal with this issue?” she asked aloud. “Are all accounted for, or should we expect more?”

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