Timbered mount and pet failing to claim, have one not the other

I have a notification that I have gifts available on the Battle.net launcher. When I open it, it’s for the Timbered Sky Snake mount and Timbered Air Snakelet pet.

When I click to claim the gift, it says I’m unable to claim the gift because I already own them. When I check, I do have the mount, but not the pet. I also don’t have any unwrapped gifts in my pet inventory.

Not really sure where to go with this one. It seems like it’s failing for the right reason (I have the mount), but it’s also not giving me the pet when I don’t have that.

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This is only available in Classic, not Retail. Retail’s pet is purchased separately.


Aaahhhhhhhh… I didn’t read. I thought the pet was also on retail. When I searched for the pet by name, it’s there, but is greyed out for me. I didn’t realize it’s on Cata classic. I’ll have to try to track it down there.

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Just to reiterate, the Air Snakelet is for Classic. Retail has a separate Sky Snakelet pet available for standalone purchase, which is the one you’re seeing in Retail’s collection.


Just a clarification, the pet that was given as part of the subscription promo is available in Cataclysm Classic. It will be waiting to be unwrapped in the pet journal.

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Same exact problem. Mount is in my journal (retail) but I can’t claim the gift in the launcher to receive the pet in classic. :frowning:

The pet should already be in your classic journal as the mount was for retail.




am the same have mount but want pet and do not have it even though it says i claim it, opps its in classic? well dang i dont want it there !!! it shows as not taken in retail pets list there is something very wrong here

It says the developers decided to make the pet a Progression Classic reward, and the mount a Retail one.

Nothing more than that. Classic players matter too.

There is a Retail version of the pet available for purchase on the Shop. That would be why there is a version of the pet in our Pet journal on Retail.

link: https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-pet-timbered-sky-snakelet?p=1888970