TIL I can never get Slime Cat Mount

Then show them.

Its all you have to do to stop any argument.

what does it look like

Don’t worry Op I have over 700 mounts and I think I’ve used this one specifically for like a week after I got it then haven’t used it since. It’s not that special.

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So you can ignore them again since you disappear anytime evidence proving you wrong is shown?

You don’t have an argument so there isn’t any need to stop one.

You’ve shown none thus far in this topic. I’d be surprised if anyone believes you in this topic.

I stated where the information is located if you wanted to look it up.

I honestly don’t care if you or anyone believe me. Your feelings don’t change the facts.

O look who disappeared again :joy:

I recommend you do the healer mage tower on Hpal. I found that Avenging Crusader made it much easier, though still challenging.

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This makes me sad for the OP and others who did not get slime kitty. :frowning:

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We should get more kitties. Kitties with fixed legs and they’re also purple :purple_heart:

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On the upside it’s always there waiting for you I guess

I’d suggest doing it on hpal while the getting is good and they’re a strong spec.

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Purple slim kitty when?


Can I just say ALL the other poll mounts are in the game?!?!?!? The tree, the book, the slime cat and NO CATERPILLAR!??!?

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The main 2 issues with it is the bugged riding position that makes it look like your pelvis has been split in two and that for some weird reason, it’s only 2/3rds the size of a regular panther mount, so any race larger than a belf looks stupid on it.

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it’s working exactly as intended: trolling players.
Should look up the history on the character mounted animation for specifically that mount. Blizz truly want to troll you.

i bet itll be on the trading post in the future.

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what does this mount look like


Delete the space, the forums tag the name as inappropriate.

Or, nevermind

plot twist: 5 million tendies required to buy that mount on Trader Post. Time to borrow daddy’s credit card and buy extra trader tenders off Blizzard store.

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Just to be completely clear, the slime cat is 100% a perfect example of FOMO.
It was a raiding meta-achievement mount added at the end of an expansion, when raiding participation was winding down, with explicit intent of being removed when the expansion was over. In order to incentivize people doing the raids over again, that they’d already done, Blizzard added this mount. That was Blizzard utilizing the fear of missing out.

Oh dang, you were so close. Just a couple more words and you would see that I did not, in fact, misuse “FOMO.”

See that little second half of my statement? The part where I said “AND removing content”

Reading is hard. I understand. :wink:

FOMO is real. Imagine the transmog you wear on your character has been removed from you because you play a human and it was only given to players, who maxed out a LV70 Orc, so it can be transmogged account-wide.

You would have missed out, because you haven’t done the right thing at the right time.