its missing pieces like a helm
it doesn’t work
its missing pieces like a helm
it doesn’t work
thats why you get creative instead of just hitting the equip all from set button
Clark, the HMP? Yeah okay that’s cool I guess? I mean sure your transmog looks decent um ok
I wear it on my DK and you can’t stop me
judges Briselody harshly
Barneystalkers would like to have a word with you.
I will refer you back here:
You have mogged all of four pieces, the four bits that are the least egregious. Come back when you are wearing the helm, shoulders and chest without the tabard.
From vanilla era? It’s not a full set in that it’s only 3 pieces, but sometimes I do like the simplicity of the Undead Slaying Plate Set from Scourge Invasion 1.0.
Lightsworn is epic looking, too. I love the helm
Judgment has always been the basic bee transmog.
Prophecy with Benediction looks pretty sweet.
Woah, that looks amazing. The name, the title, the mog.
The shoulders are awesome, if I didn’t have so many alts right now I’d want to role a mag’har orc go with the grey skin tone grab dragon stalker and be a dragonmaw orc
Two of my favorite classic sets are judgement and dragonstalker . . . I’d actually pay to see those sets updated with modern armor standards.
Ill take Shaman T1 & T2
Someone hasn’t seen Barney the Dinosaur if they think ALL tier 2 is amazing. Tier 2 was, in general, one of the best tiers of gear… but one class go thoroughly shafted in terms of tier 2 appearance