Tier 2 Paladin set is one of the best looking transmog sets


one of the great reasons to be a paladin, tell me what other transmog looks good like this during the vanilla era sets?


That’s not tier 1.


Thats tier 2, sir.


oh sorry my bad I will fix this

Just about all of the Warlock sets…


Probably best set in the game, all tier 2 is just amazing I hope that blizz does a HD remake like they did in legion with the BC set.


i was hoping they would do a mage tower to bring in class cosmetic sets like that in SL.

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Tier 2 is the pumpkin spice latte of Pally sets.


Yeah an T2 was not the most popular , it was t6 with those radiant shoulders

I personally like the set from ICC the best, what I am wearing now.

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Ill stick with mine

Sure would be nice… Ion claims that they need the “reward” first before creating a new mage tower like experience… (idk how that even makes sense).

How do we not have the rewards? It seems like such an easy solution. There are so many possibilities with old tier sets, old popular weapons… that they could simply redesign and they’d likely look amazing and people would go crazy for them.

I know his answer was likely just some random excuse he came up with… but dang. How do they NOT have more cosmetics tied to Torghast for example. People love that kind of stuff. :disappointed:


Pretty much this. Well, not warrior or druid. But the rest of the T2 sets are amazing. Bloodfang is still my favorite set ever.

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I’ll never forgive myself for not saving the gray re-color of T2 that you got from the Wrath pre-patch events. I had them all but threw them away because transmog wasn’t a thing.


They weren’t even fully completed sets though I have the undead slaying plate one but never liked it

Hunter would be better if it wasnt Purple. Black/Red would have been better.

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Cataclysmic Gladiator >>> T2

Paladin is one of the best but how can it compete with some of the warlock sets those ones are nice.

and every set looks better on a belf

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God, imagine if Blizzard redid the armor models to make it look like that . . .

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