Tier 2 Paladin set is one of the best looking transmog sets

My VE hunter begs to differ:

And put him on Lucid Nightmare

Which . . . is a bit of a nightmare to acquire . . .

Oh that’s his main ground mount, don’t worry lol

Violet Spellwing is his flyer, of course

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Still don’t get why if pallys can wear robes, mages can’t wear plate at least for transmog purposes…silly restrictions for “cLaSs iDentiTy”

My favorite xmog of vanilla.

Nemesis raiment recolor here though this is during bc really. I’m not sure if it can be added to your wardrobe if it drops for you though.

I think it really needs a update. It still is good but it still is bit outdated.

Warlock T2

Mage T3

Warrior T3

Rogue T2

Hunter T2

Mage T2

Overall T2 was just a really good tier for cosmetic.


Really would like a new version of this in game.

This seems like a good thread to post the obligatory PSA that purple judgement is a thing:


The purple recolor is awesome, I’ve been using it for a while on my Draenei Paladin.

Half the naxx sets, MC sets, and BWL sets look just as good, some better

That and legion set looked great and battleplate of the highlord in legion.

A lot of the armor sets look nice, but the helmets always ruin it for me.

It’d be a lot better than most the crap they’ve put out lately.

Yeah,that’s why I don’t use them or use one from another set that at least matches.

And the obligatory PSA that I will judge you, harshly, if you wear this set as anything other than a paladin.

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Rogues and Warlocks pretty much have transmog on lockdown, and nothing even came remotely close until Wrath.

Warrior PVP set is pretty great in TBC, though. Warbringer or something like that.

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I can tell you one. Dragonstalker set. From hunter. Looks amazing too.

way overused

now blessed undead slaying on the other hand