Tides of War quest bugged after 8.3 patch

I server/faction changed my monk yesterday after the release of patch 8.3. I am aware that the act of faction changing somewhat resets all of the quests so that the player will have to unlock certain aspects of the game again while maintaining old character progress.

One of the areas of the game that needs to be redone is unlocking the new BFA zones. As alliance, this means completing the Tides of War quest. I am unable to complete that quest because the area is phased for the new 8.3 quest line.

I submitted an ingame ticket last night after experiencing this issue and 15~ hours later received a response to the ticket even though I was online able to accept whispers from a GM. Ticket ID: US70970060

Without pasting the entire ticket, the short response that I was given was that I would need to possibly complete the quest line that could be causing this issue. I only have 2 quests in my quest log, the new 8.3 quest line and the Tides of War quest. I am NOT going to complete the entire 8.3 quest line to see if it resolves an issue with gaining access to the major hub of this expansion.

Is anyone aware of any fix for this problem or if a GM could just snapshot my old horde progress on this character and transfer it to the alliance version of this character.


I have this problem aswell on my recently boosted Warrior.


The same happened to me and now left wondering where do I go from here. Any advice would be fantastic.


I was able to bypass the issue by using party sync with a friend that had already completed the 8.3 questline.


Someone else said getting to a certain point in the new questline would give you access to the tides of war phase, luckily my death knight is 370 and actually incapable of completing the halls of origination scenario…wait did I say luckily?

Are you able to confirm that it worked? Curious to know since I changed factions and ran into the same problem.

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Did you still receive credit for completing the quest line?

Running into this same issue after I faction changed on my mage.

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Having the same issue… I just faction changed to alliance to get the allied races. I also ran into another problem where I cant interact with portal to Boralus in The Mage Quarter.


So the GM’s suggestion did work out. You don’t have to complete the entire 8.3 quest line. I did just up to the first assault in Uldum. Getting back to Stormwind was a pain because there’s no portal in Uldum to Boralus. I ended up taking a flight path to Ratchet, a boat to Booty Bay and a flight path back to Stormwind. But when I finally entered the Keep, the Tides of War quest line rolled right along and I’m now in Boralus. Hope that helps some of you!


it worked! thank you!

ok this is gonna sound wierd but if you take the boat to boralus then you select the quest on the map of stormwind and then take the boat back you will end up in the cave to arathi… wierd i know… then you just need to hearth to dal and port to stormwind and the war council will be there… i just did this 1 minute ago

So all I did was do the very first mission where you see magni in the chamber of the heart and analyze the different titan stations and as soon as i finished that and was to go to uldum I instead hearthed to dal and then port to stormwind and as soon as you get to the keep the tides of war missions should start up


I’m having the exact same issue right now with this character, I just submitted a ticket, but after seeing the response you got, I guess I’m better off doing the 8.3 questline AGAIN

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What boat to Boralus are u talking about Balszak?

what worked for me, iif you go to the heart forge accept the quests and go back to stormwind,

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How to you get to the heart of the forge if you can’t get to boralus?

Take the Cataclysm portal to Uldum and fly to it


Yeah, I just faction changed to Alliance to unlock the Alliance Allied races and I can’t not progress with the quest Tides of War… The boat to Boralus won’t appear until you go to Boralus and any portal won’t work until you’ve completed the quest… They need to fix this issue or refund me my money for faction changing lol.

I had the same issue. I was able to take the portal to the Caverns of Time and turn in any Heart of Azeroth or Magni Bronzebeard quests. I also had abandoned “Tides of War”. The only quests i had at this point were the Ny’alotha raid quest from Magni and “Remnants of a Shattered World”. When I got back to Stormwind and Tides of War populated, I accepted. When I got to the throne room, the war council was present.

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