Put a ticket in Tuesday still waiting for a reply. 5+ days I’ve had major issues and I’m seeking help which I can’t obtain unreal.
Your last post was likely removed due to all the unnecessary nonsense that had put in it (if it is the post I’m thinking of).
Your ticket is in a queue along with other player tickets. There are simply other players ahead of you. I have little doubt that they’re working hard on getting the queue down and answering tickets 24/7.
As for being scammed, depending on the scam, you will likely only be told that they will look into it and take any appropriate action on the scammer.
Returning scammed gold is not something that Blizzard does though. Just trying to set an appropriate expectation for your ticket reply.
Things that happened recently:
- TBCC server merges
- Shadowlands promotion
- Dragonflight alpha
- A couple ban waves
- WotLK prepatch (that’s technically this week but yeah)
- plus a few other things I’m forgetting because I just woke up
- PLUS whatever might be happening in the other games on BNet, since GMs are not WoW-exclusive (Overwatch 2, anyone?)
Yeah, a few days’ wait time makes plenty of sense, tbh.
Firstly, did you receive a ticket number when you submitted your ticket? If you did not, then there is a high probability that your ticket did not fully go through. I honestly do not remember from your original post if you had.
Secondly, just glancing at the first page’s worth of posts, you may notice there are several posts referencing ticket times. Due to several different things, their ticket times are really high right now. They are averaging 3-4 days, perhaps a touch higher or lower. If your ticket did submit properly, then it is just a matter of waiting to get to you after all of those who submitted their tickets before yours are handled.
As for your original post. It is on us as players to know who we are doing business with. Whether to purchase an enchant or a carry - know your seller. If you do not, that is completely on you. Provided your ticket went through, you will not get your gold back. It may be removed from the seller if fraud is proved, but you willingly participated in a trade. Period. No one forced your hand in that at all. Blizzard has never - since the time of the original classic - given gold back to scammed players. It’s a hard lesson to stomach sometimes, but it is a lesson learned.
And I will also caution you again - Blizzard provided you with the token you purchased. You sold the token and collected the gold. Blizzard’s part in the transaction is finished as is any liability on their part. What you chose to do with the gold afterward is all on you. Due diligence is on us as the players and the purchaser of whatever service we are participating in.
I do see your ticket, it’s currently three and a half days old. Our queues are a bit longer than normal at the moment - I do apologize for that.
Now, as to your issue.
Should you have put in a ticket, yes. We can investigate and take appropriate actions on the person you interacted with. A name, however, would have helped.
In any case, what you did is an unsupported transaction. While actions may be taken against a player if a scam is found - we cannot return your gold.
Unfortunately, an unsupported transaction is at your own risk.
If you remember the name of the player you interacted with, you should be able to edit that into your ticket. Not absolutely necessary - but would be very helpful.
You might also want to read one of the original sticky posts in the Classic forums, it might have more information in advance of your ticket being answered.