I remember Mely.
<===Abrogar (Marru’s RL friend)
I remember Mely.
<===Abrogar (Marru’s RL friend)
Kremnod/Arimathea where my toons, Got into Immortal Dragons later in the expac.
Best memories for me was being invited by Supatroopa (UD HWL Rogue) to start raiding MC on wednesday nights with his crew. Got 5/8 pieces tier 1 on my first go lol. Thus began my offtanking days…
Glogg, Kaga, Deathblades. Saw helm posted here too (you had sulfuras right?)
Played as a rogue (orc) here in WOTLK i believe, went by the name established. HMU if you guys recognize me be glad to reconnect.
First time using these forums, but I’m fairly sure I had a rogue named TyroneBigems or something along those lines. I also had a pally that I used to tank ICC with, but I’m unsure of his name
Looking for people playing Horde on Crusader Strike to reconnect with. Look at the name, you know me if you know me
I never saw this post until now… lol
I think I started this guild in WoW, although we already existed prior to WoW.