Was it NeoLeviathan? If you see him around, tell him Valeris is looking for him xD
Fereg - O o t S
Curaga Undead Mage
The Core, Insomnia (Alliance).
I’m not sure if I’ll end up playing much, but it sounds like Whitemane is the place to be.
Darthnoob : Undead Priest
Iamdruish : Tauren Druid
Member of “The Old Guard” guild.
Friends with Rrah, elite player.
Orcahonk - Was in Dark Requiem and then Immortal Dragons
Name: Rynzer
Race/Class: Undead Rogue
Guilds: Trinitas (closed beta & early retail), brief stint with Robot Kitten Happy Train in late 2005ish before leaving the server.
People I used to play with: Fark, Toreldon, Bluerose, Tailic, probably others I’m forgetting
Here’s us eating someone in Un’goro:
Thinking about playing Classic and wasn’t sure if any of them were still around. We all parted ways pretty early into retail, but I still consider it my most fun time playing WoW.
I remember you too actually. Looks like I’ll be playing on Whitemane with what I see people posting on here. Someone got my name before I ever get logged on. Playing as “StellÄ”
ORCAHONK its me Vak then later on Ven
WHAT SERVER??? Its the good windfury again
GameOver -Stasis- What’s up…
Were either of you in Legion of Varimathras? I was gnk/au/many-others. I saw slowdeath a couple times after he disappeared but he basically just moved on with life, afaik. Sure do miss the guy though. He invited me to LofV after hanging out with me when I was something like lvl 5 or 6, on my way to brill on my very first char. Good memories
what’s up gameover i’m back on classic I miss stasis
whats up its GnomeSlayer im back on classic I miss the good old days
Orc Rogue
Sup Helm!! Hope you’re well.
Zeshu here
Zeshu - The Core
HWL Group---- Yep, what a grind that was!
Used the Rank 14 gear to tank an all Shammy Onyxia… lol
Alea - Team Alea
twitch.tv: HarryPotterClan
Lero - troll priest
UL, TDS, GV, then Insomnia as Canbeast
Shout outs and random memories: Iolos, Fooma, Cordi, Rubix vids, IF Raid, Sabik ninjas t2 gloves, Vael gquits, Tich IRC channel, Diggles getting first Sulfuras and Kaedric first TF, EoS farming in WS/Kazzak PvP wars, nobody likes Ezareth, Kikachu I choose u, HWL Ponies…, ShaunConnery raps, Vash bbq chicken pics, Ghouls Gone Wild (all time best guild name)
Playing a bit on Whiteman as a shammy - Stickypoo
Demisedangel here and looking
Long reply - sorry but I dont visit the forums much. Yes, I remember that guild - though I cant remember if I was in it, lol. Probably was if I can remember it. Though, not on this toon.
yoooo Canbeast!! what’s your bnet?!!