In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Tichondrius (US) in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
Your character’s name, race and class.
The name of your original guild on this realm.
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
http:// thiefdoesdrums. ytmnd. com/
https:// www. youtube. com/ watch?v=1kH0u190eEQ
A little later than 2004-2006, but still very notable server history
https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=Q5vlTZeurSY
Cireth interviewed for his notorious ninja looting: http:// www. gamespy. com/articles/665/665716p2.html
Orcslayer’s weapon swap macro/exploit drama
Gankorade/Whitey ruining everyone’s day.
Tab for President!
Rapwing Lair
https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=UNCrGAINkUw
And of course, Brolly wasted a Mageblade
Note: I had to break up the URL’s because forums won’t let me post “links”
Kjeldor, Troll Warrior of Torch the Bridge (and Exigent, briefly)
Anyone around from our warrior core? Home, Emoki, Ryval, Sewizzle…or what ever happened to Fatit. There’s a handful of us who still keep in touch via Discord and Facebook, a few of us still play here and there on Ravencrest (see my guild tag).
TheGrowler [The Risen] Day 1 vanilla Tauren Prot Warrior. At times I was some combination of MT, RL, and GM of The Risen. A large group of us are connected for life, and the community has experienced a large reunion recently that led to many of us coming back for BfA. The Risen was right on the curve of “Ahead of the curve” before it was called that, but never server first. We were responsible for “Naked Ganking Nights” in BC where we took 50+ to the air clad in skin and brewfist mugs in both hands and we descended on Alliance as a group and beat them with a thousand punches. We renamed UBRS dUBRS because we had a habbit of running it drunk. It was a fun crowd. More people, guilds, accomplishments, and epic failures (me stand in fire? When?) than I can post here.
I was in the first MC raids, saw Sabik pick up wrath (yes wrath) in MC over me and others. If we only knew then how much drama would eventually come from loot, right?!? I respect many of the progression players that led better teams than mine and learned a good bit from a few that openly shared with me. The forum sites dedicated to guild leadership and raid leadership early on should have been used by some firm to recruit corporate leaders. Many from my circle of friends grew up in this game and the social aspect was so strong that it made many of us better leaders, myself included. Managing a raiding guild back then was an honor and a blessing. It was also the headache nobody wanted but all of us helped do to keep us progressing.
Shout out to Kjeldor, I remember Torch the Bridge well. Cyrene mentioned a lot of stuff I recall too.
The meme of the server before memes existed: “Tichondrius is not for you.”
In the earliest of days pre-TheRisen, I was in my first guild [ClanTT] and played with a guy named Spork who later went Alliance. I still have the screenshots of his dead corpse, but haven’t connected with him since.
Slowdeath the undead warlock - we were buddies in game and IRL as well when we met while leveling in Ashenvale and later we joined a guild together but you drifted away from the game - please add me if you are around.
I was (and still have) Mandarious - Resto Shaman - Guild: South Side Tribe
I came in probably a few months before the guild broke apart and Unearthed was created. Orthodox (Mage) and Cript (Priest) were leading the raids.
Oh, and Alchemiste - if you are reading this, I’m trying man. I’ll see you on opening day.
Also, Arieswar - Our Warrior Tank and others that I can’t remember off hand.
And Denali (Renamed Fuddit later) - Enchancement Shaman: High Warlord and best friend. RIP buddy. Wish you were here to experience this with us. It’s not complete without ya. <3
Folan, Tauren Druid. Don’t remember which guild or whatever I was in at the time unfortunately. Hoping to recognize a name or two here or if someone else remembers me!
Tab was still playing this expansion, he’s the GM of RKHT these days. Level 120 at least, though looks like he hasn’t played in a while. Remember him, Careface and Dare all passing through TTB at one point or another.
Played Day 1 on Tichondrius as Hextor, Forsaken Shadow Priest. Mainly did pvp and was originally in The Risen. Did a ton of world pvp with Dolaf and some others. Highest rank I got was Champion because the HWL grind was too much for me and my work schedule. Eventually got pulled into raiding once BWL came out. I convinced everyone it was a good idea to put priests in all the groups to use Holy Nova to heal everyone through Vaelstraz since it did damage, healing and no aggro. Figured this might be a good way to reach out to some people I haven’t seen in a long time.
Spoonsta, Troll Shaman from day 1. I recognize almost everyone here so far!
Guilds: I was the GM of Voodoo Tribe (my own small guild) until we merged with The Dark Souls (hi, Nero!!!) for raiding purposes, and eventually landed in Grim Vengeance to finish out Vanilla.
I’m hoping this dive back into Classic at least resembles what we all had on Tichondrius back in the day. The players on this server all helped create the best gaming memories of my life, thank you all!
Camelot - The Basin / Torch the Bridge
Resto Shaman back in the day.
Started in December of '04. Joined The Basin and raided with them in MC/BWL/AQ. Had a ton of fun with the likes of Fangar and Delc as my fellow Shamans. And of course there was Vashaman from The Core who was a savage at world PvP and made awesome videos. Nothing but good times on this server. #tichondriousisnotforyou
Did lots of world pvp. I remember camping the pass between Redridge Mountains and Burning Steppes; also good ol’ South Shore and Tarren Mill. Got beat up by a lot of rogues along the leveling path and if you were one of those rogues, I still have nightmares. I raided Molten Core, Onyxia and Zul’Gurub as well.