Thwarting the Twins: Raest Magespear

Honestly what I hate about this style of tight fights is it funnels you into doing something with virtually no choice of strategy, talents etc. The less wiggle room for any mistakes the more it just becomes rote duplication of someone else playing the game.


I just made a few attempts myself to find the same conclusion: feeling burned for not doing the LoS strat before it was “fixed”, and feeling pigeon holed into a way of doing the encounter that feels overly strenuous. The shadow bolts during the enrage still tick you for more than you’re able to heal by spamming shadow mend + power word shield… If you spend too much time working on add management, you get into a similar position. Meaning the ONLY course of action is to burn Raest as fast as possible whenever he’s targetable. However without a slow on shadow this can be rather difficult to do, meaning that if this is truly the way blizzard wants us to do this encounter then they need to reduce the rate at which Karam builds speed to allow for more uptime on hard casting. Or alternatively reduce the health pool of Raest to match the proportions used in Legion.


Again, imho, my main concern is it feels very luck dependent at this point. Where hands, adds and rune spawns play too much of a role on wether you’ll be able to manage with this amount of hp on bosses.

That’s not really true:

The runes you have to soak usually spawn in the same area that she points out around 1:25.

It may be different for other classes, but I did it on Frost Mage, and that held true, and I’ve seen another streamer do it on Shadow Priest (notMes) and all his runes were popping up there, too.

The hands can pop up wherever, seemingly, but I don’t see that as a big deal, since this encounter is only done by ranged players, and the arena isn’t nearly large enough for range to be an issue.

Now that he can move, the runes can spawn outside of that area if he’s far enough away from it. I had one spawn on the edge of the green pool

I see. Well, I have a feeling that his being able to move is not what they intended, and will probably be reverted.

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This is most helpful. Been struggling with this thing on my priest for a few days now. Guess I’d been doing it wrong the entire time. Thanks for posting the video. You’ve helped me immensely.

I get gutting the strat that essentially invalidated Enraged Raest (want HP nerfs to go with it though) but I don’t know why he was allowed to move because of stuff like the runes shifting position. Just give him a 200 yard range, don’t allow him to move.


Yeah, I get that runes and adds, etc. have a “zone” that they appear in, even knowing that, its enough rng taking into account everything else (boss damage and hp) to make this maybe too much luck oriented.

Ive already seen every vid and tried more than 200 times (food used > 200).

Would be nice to know what kind of player this is oriented to tho, 10/10 Mythic Raiders - Key 20 players?.

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Yup only CE and top mythic plus players can do the mage tower

Thanks for heart but this is sarcasm sorry


I felt like his health was a bit too high, but honestly what really bothered me was his enrage when Karam dies. I don’t remember that happening in the original challenge. Killing Karam first was a legitimate strategy.

I had a lot of low % wipes because I would eventually kill Karam just by kiting him with AOE, Raest would have like 20% health remaining and 4-shot me. I eventually killed it after an attempt with decent proc rng that let me funnel more damage into Raest.

You could burst him down during his first vulnerable phase…but good luck doing that without Mass Hysteria

The way I ended up beating it was when phase 2 started I blew everything I had on Raest while CC’ing the adds. I usually got him down between 45-55% in phase 2. When phase 4 hit, assuming I didn’t still have a hand up, I’d just dps Raest as best as I could while CC’ing the adds and getting in rune that spawns. This would usually knock another 15-20% off depending on how well I did and how many crits I got. Phase 5 would start and Raest would be around 25ish% (give or take 5%) and then I just kited Karam, killed hands, stood in runes, and did as much dps to Raest as I could, mostly with dots and Starfall hitting him (and the occasionaly Starsurge if I had the extra astral power). Usually my 3 minute cooldowns would be up at some point in phase 5 so I’d burn them and go full CC on mobs/Karam and burst Raest. Even had a wipe when Raest had 49 hp left. That one was tough lol but I eventually got him down with this strat. If you find phase 5 is too busy for you to manage, this is what I’d recommend doing.

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This is so baffling to me. Obviously, it’s not just a scaling bug, because the hands’ health scaled correctly. They intentionally and with full knowledge made this three times harder than it was in Legion. On top of us not having artifacts or legendaries. What a freaking SLAP IN THE FACE.


Agree with you! Feels terrible!

I seem to be misunderstanding something. Killing karam causes raest to have 150% increased movement speed and 500% damage?
i thought raest doesn’t move?

If raest has an enrage mechanic that doesn’t automatically kill the player, it seems to me that you are meant to deal with that mechanic.
So the expected strategy sounds like kill karam before he kills you, then kill raest. p1 into enrage p2 phase concept.
And don’t try to skip karam because he get faster trying to 1 shot you.

Frost mage was really really really fun and well tuned for this. I feel for anyone doing it on any other class.

Balance druid? Ewwwwwwwwwww.

Although… I did accidentally kill Karam a few too many times just hitting him with Blizzard and orb. Wish he had a few more hit points. He’d die when Raest was at like 5% and I’d get shadowbolted to my doom. I eventually just managed to go crazy at the end of the fight to make sure that even if he was low I pounded Raest until he fell over.

Ended the encounter with 2.2kdps and it was really satisfying ;D

Oh, btw for anyone struggling, Bear Tartar is an awesome food buff that makes you uber speedy every time you kill an add. It helped carry me to victory for sure on this one.


Classes and specs have been reworked since legion as well though. Everyone seems to forget that fact

If the classes were carried directly over from Legion, then one could understand them copying the fight/health/mechanics as well

But that’s not the case

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Blizzard recently “fixed” the encounter by having Raest follow you once you kill Karam.

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Some classes such as shadow priest lost some very valuable passive CC abilities that would allow you to focus more time on Raest. Increasing his health when you have lost CC abilities does not seem justifiable. You could argue that maybe shadow priests do more damage now, but the scaling of health for Hand from Beyond is in line with the version in Legion and it is still sometimes difficult to down in time.