Thunderlord OG Vanillas

Holy crap pheq hows it been. Don’t know if you remember me Dethus/Phonebooth.

You were a fun fight.


Few of us old timers from Inq still around. I took a long break after MoP but recently came back to play with old friends from TL

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Don’t mean to necro the thread, but I’m just seeing this!

Some of you may or may not remember me, but I was the human pally Evirae back in the day. I was in the old guild Unwanted along with a bunch of irl friends (Averson, Chimmy/Sweetie, Tenth, etc). I do see them logged in from time to time but I haven’t seen them play wow in years.

As for myself, I’ve been playing in a very off and on fashion since WotLK. My pally is now horde over on Stormrage but I don’t play it much anymore. Maybe one day that spark will be fully ignited and I’ll get back to playing on a more consistent basis again :slight_smile: