Throwback Friday- UBRS Key

The final decision hasnt been made yet… are you going to nitpick everything I say? We are allowed to change our minds without being raked over the coals.

The only thing childish going on here is your obsessive need to harass me. Seriously dude, seek professional help.


I don’t need professional help and I’m not harassing you. You don’t even make my top six “Most Replied To” list. I’m simply calling out your lies and reaffirming my suspicions that you’re trolling.

How many times did you and your fellow no-changers call out Ziryus and link his single “Wall of No” post that he made 5 years ago?



I wish I still had my keys they gave me gold for them when they stole them.

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The door to UBRS could not be opened by a rogue. Fairly certain the door was sealed with magic and not an actual lock. The Scholomance door however is able to be picked by a rogue.


You are correct. The key wasnt a standard key, it was a ring and it only needed to be in the inventory, not worn, to open the door. The door also would not close again once it was open so you could open it for a group and leave without any issues if there was a wipe

I will but only because I’m a completionist.

I dont troll and I dont lie… and you are not anyones judge. If you dont like what I have to say thats fine, but thats not license to insult and harass me. I have the right to post here in peace, as does everyone else. Stay out of my posts if you dont like them.

Ive proven you wrong every single time you open your mouth, and yet I dont attack every post you make. Get over this obsession of yours.

As for the Wall of No guy… I dont think Ive ever even spoken to him. So, wrong again.


edit: looking into it, I stand corrected…

Rogues couldn’t open the UBRS door.


You actually didn’t prove him wrong at all. He linked a post where you said you 100% weren’t playing classic and another post where you say it less emphatically. Now you’re going back on it. There’s no insult. You are a liar and lying again in this post I am replying to. You are a bad faith poster and you just don’t like your dishonesty revealed for the same reason every liar wants their lies and manipulative behavior undetected.

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The ammount of times, i’ll probably run UBRS to get the FREAKING shield, yea… I’ll be doing the key run down… I’ve once played on a P server where i saw the epic 2h sword drop, and a week later the flask pattern drop. But still no shield, those where dark days indeed…

Also people are willing to pay for you to open it, but i’m the type of guy to run dungi’s over and over again, even if i don’t need it or outgear it. Same with scholo, i ain’t the type for suicide


Every time he tried to suggest a Non-Vanilla change. At least that’s what I tried to do. #nochanges


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Lakeshire Vanilla:
Lakeshire BfA with Inky Black Potion:

Elwynn Vanilla on the left, BfA on the right:
Elwynn BfA with Inky Black Potion:

Stormwind Vanilla on the left, BfA on right:
Stormwind BfA with Inky Black Potion:

The last time I posted this when you denied lying, all you could say was:

I’ve admitted to being wrong on this forum, it’s not difficult; you can do it too.


I was planning on being a lock, so I was going to get the keys, but I may be a mage. Either way, portals or summons; both are great tools to have when you collect all the dungeon keys.

Whewwww, this post is amazing. I enjoyed watching him squirm with his reply. Please continue calling people out that do this. I hate it when people whine, complain and create fake ultimatums, then storm off and “quit”, only to be found right back a few days later.

Wish I could like this post more than once, lol.


Changing my mind is not lying… but good job posting on your alt Galdor. Reported as well.

Did you notice the date of that post? Didn’t notice it was a week before the Classic wow panel at Blizzcon did you. Yeah, didnt think so.

I liked what I heard and saw in the presentation there… get over yourself.

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Im not wrong, thats the difference. Those arent even your own screenshots. If you are going to try and pass off crap screenshots as your own thats pretty pathetic.

Posting old screens from some computer with horrible gamma/video settings proves nothing.

In the last couple guilds I’ve been in on private servers we usually make it a point to get a core group of officers the UBRS key as quick as possible. Lots of LBRS grinding but there are some great pre-raid BIS items and the Fire Protection Potion recipe that drops off those caster mobs clearing the orc packs in the tents.

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When I went through Vanilla I wasn’'t really part of any guild, but did so many UBRS PUGs that I felt it necessary to get the key. I think I will get it this time out of pure nostalgia!

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I got the seal, and the 3 gems. I went back into LBRS to turn them in, and Vaelan is gone. There is a hostile trash mob standing on the ledge where he is supposed to be standing. Anyone have experience with this? Please help!

That is him in disguise. If you have the seal in your inventory, he reveals himself when you approach.

Threw me off at first, too. Lol