I flew through an area last week and got an extra action button to throw a ball to the Wildwater Ottuk’s in the area. I did not interact with the world quest on my Drakthyr Evoker but I still have this action button even though the quest is gone. Nothing is in my bag to still have this issue. The character it’s showing up on is Mezzathyr-Scilla. It’s not showing up on any of my other characters.
I also have this problem (Joscelyn-Cenarius). I cannot participate in the soup event as it replaces my “Yes Chef!” Extra action button. I’ve reloaded, gone to other continents and tried to get other Extra Actions, nothing worked.
Ive had this on my alt for ever and it is super annoying.
I got this issue on my shaman and when i was in Algeth’ar, on the bird boss i couldn’t “throw the ball” into the goal, my team had to kill me with quaking to drop the ball, If there is a fix to this would be awesome
Just got this today after flying through some zone… I’ve died, gone into instances, relogged completely but still won’t go away too.
I too am experiencing this issue. Happened to me on Saturday 02/04 while farming Elemental Overflow in Ohn’ahran Plains, and now I’m stuck with this ball on my screen.
The world quest is up in Azure Span to complete and clear this for another 22 hours!
You don’t have to use the “Yes Chef!” button. You don’t have to do anything at all, unless your task is to fish or get ancheevies or something. You can just stand there and then kill Bisquick. You still get credit for the tasks and you still get the rep.
As of today I also have this Catch the Ball icon still on my screen.
Quest for Catch the Ball is not available today, but I still have ball icon ON MY SCREEN. Trying to get rid of it. So today I am trying to get those Ottuk to play this “catch” portion. No quest available to abandon, BROKEN.
I cannot get rid of the icon.
You’ll have to wait until the quest is up again.
That is not a good option. This quest was done, but the button to throw the ball stayed up.
Bliz has a problem with this remaining on your screen even if you finished it.
i too have this problem…posting to see this later for hopeful update
Same here. Couldn’t throw the ball in Algeth’ar and basically ruined the instance for everyone. Action button won’t go away, don’t see the WQ up on my map. Never did the WQ just passed over it.
Posting again, didn’t have the correct character selected.
I can confirm if you have the extra action button stuck on your screen if you enter an area fight it does disappear. I stayed until we lost. I’m not sure if you can just que , join and leave but the area does work.
Had this stuck on my alt for a week! Thanks for Arena fix. Sorry to “Snapple” for leaving him to fend for himself in the Arena, against all odds…
Just adding to the pile, this is still very broken.
Had it on my screen for a week now and ruined a Algeth’ar run for everyone by not being able to score goals then realized it was a real problem. Quest hasn’t shown back up yet, Will try the arena fix soon.
Stuck on my screen for over a week also. This is expansion is so buggy.
Update joined arena and left, its gone. Thanks blizzard for nothing lol
I have this bug as well on Celestia Bleeding Hollow!
I also have this problem.
Yup… same issue with me. I reported this bug to Blizz and even tweeted them about it. It’s been a week now, and nothing has been done about it. Getting really annoyed seeing the Extra Action button still on my Mage toon. Not on any of my other characters. >.<