Through the Fire and Flames

Same issue. It respawned and ppl scrambled to get it. No amount of WM on/off fixed it. However, there were FAR fewer ppl there w/ WM on, so may improve chances. Blizz needs to fix this

Quick way to fix it, use group finder to join any questing group. When you join the group you will phase and it will make the sword appear. Warmode did not work for me, so I got creative.

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I just read about this on the EU forum, it’s roughly a 7-10min spawn time, and only one to a few people can grab it before it disappears. It’s a standstill for those that have this quest.

Normal jobs, you get fired for making stupid mistakes like this that hold up thousands of customers; at Blizzard I bet the team got a promotion! Need to take this one outback behind the shed and do your business, Blizzard.

Why in 2020 are you going back to Vanilla game play mechanics? Why is there even a limit to how many times it can be looted, yet alone 5+ minute respawn timer, really…? You allow us to often pickup something after another player, loot a jail cell, a bush, or click on something for a quest; why is this not one of those times? There’s one objective and everyone needs it to continue their storyline quest. I cannot make my point anymore clear than that.

Same issue here. Been clicking on this for the last 30 minutes along with dozens of other players on the Warsong server. Please fix.
And if it’s by design it baffles the mind that someone would think it’s a great idea to do something like this that stops the whole progression into the expansion.

Same issue here. Getting flashbacks of Garrison quests again during WoD launch.

Yeah I got the item after about 20 mins, but this respawn needs to be speed up massively.

Waited through several re-spawn cycles and gave up, simply to many people showing up and out-clicking me I guess. This is a show stopping bug unless you get incredibly lucky or nobody is around to ninja loot it.

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Having issue here as well. I was told by some other of the guys here that there’s a 30 to 40 minute wait for it to pop up. 1 person can loot, and it disappears again.

Still not fixed ?

May be worse than I thought. I tried War Mode on like some suggested, I could see the blade but the game will literally not let me click on it. it was there, I could see it, just could not click or interact with the blade at all. Tried logging off, abandoning, everything you can imagine and nothing is helping.

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Just finished the quest. Me and some chad of a gnome sat around waiting for the blade to spawn. We both clicked it asap and both got it. I think if multiple people click it at the same time then multiple people can get it.

Blizzard had a post on this stating it’s not working as intended. I decided to log until this gets fixed. I feel like exercise is a way better use of life than trying to fight with 20 other people over this thing.

Just wanted to post my experience. I was grouped the first time doing this quest and the other person was able to loot the item. I was not. I abandoned the quest, left group, tried several more times but was not able to see or loot the item. There was large group standing around waiting for it to respawn. I went back to Oribos and logged off. Waited a bit and logged back in, went to Stormwind and switched to Warmode. Back to Oribos… flew back out to Maldraxxus… Just as I was getting to the quest area again, another person was completing the quest. I waited a bit (maybe 2-3 minutes) and it did not respawn so I abandoned it once again. This time, I waited maybe 1-2 more minutes and it respawned. I was the only person in the area because of Warmode and was able to loot the item with no competition.

Try going WM on. When I was there at one point, there were only two others there. Didn’t fix the problem entirely, but made it less of a clustergaggle