Throne of Tides!

Just did it in TW mode and…woah, its all changed. New path to take, new mobs, new path to avoid taking because of death slams. I have to say that once we figured it out, I enjoyed it more than the original.

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They updated it for this keystone season.


So does the level with the huge electrified dragonlike heads lead somewhere for M+ dungeons?

That’s the hall you run through after the second boss.

It’s funny to watch people get zapped. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I got zapped repeatedly. Eventually the party decided against it and went for the other bosses. I still got the achieve to complete it on heroic so I have no idea what that boss is like.

You run through the zappy fish between the second (big slammy crab) and third/fourth bosses.

the TW mode is the original

I’m kind of sad the mythic plus changes the dungeons in all other modes. I’m gonna miss the jellyfish. One of my first memories in this game was leveling with my brothers and going on the jellyfish. I was so amazed :sob:


Ah no, its quite different to the original. I did the Timewalking version just now on my lvel 55. This is an image of one of the bosses, showing the original and the current version:


As you can see, they are very different. The appearances and mechanics of the fights, along with the environmental factors, have been changed quite significantly. Having played Cata a great deal, I am extremely familiar with this instance. And I have never played it on M+, in case you think I might be experiencing a brain blink.


Not true. The original version was updated when they did it for M+.


So I guess another question is - if they changed Throne of Tides to update it, will they be doing that to any other older dungeons?

Contempaltes Wailing Caverns with a similar sort of update…


I also got to experience the updated version for the first time yesterday. Boy there are a lot of changes. I will miss the jellyfish elevator the most though. :sob:


They did so previously with Temple of the Jade Serpent.

Vortex Pinnacle as well but the changes there were mostly to enemy abilities rather than any environmental stuff.

Yes. Most of the changes they did for vortex pinnacle are present in timewalking and the other difficulties. But those were mainly boss changes. Such as the orbs during phase 1 of the first boss. Or how the add for the third boss actually does stuff now.

I think the last time I did Temple of the Jade Serpent in something like timewalking, Wise Mari was still the same as before DF S1 w.r.t the mythic + changes. Where you sat on your butt killings adds. Although he dies very quickly once you kill like 2 adds.

Also they made it so you only needed to kill either Mari or the library boss to get to the High Priestess. Which took me by surprise since it was a hidden change. Hate it when Blizzard does that.

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It is highly doubtful Blizzard will go all the way to vanilla dungeons for Mythic +. They might use the ones that were changed with end game in mind. So

Shadowfang Keep
Scarlet Halls
Scarlet Monastery

So the only way Wailing Caverns would become a key is if they do a massive overhaul of the dungeon. There is that lingering plot thread of some Primals from AU Draenor (the plant guys) sneaking through the portal that brought the AU Mag’har orcs to our timeline. So they could do something with that.

Would be interesting if they did ZA and ZG though. ZG I could see happening since they can just remove the archaeology boss from keys. As they have done with the spider in Everbloom. Therefore bringing the boss count to 5. ZA though, idk how they would do that. Given it has 6 bosses and all of them are required. The highest they have gone is 5 bosses for keys. I guess they could split it into 2 wings of 3 bosses each. First wing is Eagle, Bear and Dragonhawk. Second wing is Lynx, Hex Lord and discount Zul’jin.

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On the one hand yea I’ll miss the Jellyfish elevator. On the other hand I’m glad for not having to wait for it to come down.

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The original version is still the original if you go in on normal, heroic or TW… the only version that’s different is M+

No, it’s not. All versions have been changed.


I’m not happy they changed this for Timewalking. The entire point of Timewalking is the nostalgia of the original dungeons at level. Not new versions.


When blizz makes changes to dungeons for a them to be added to M+ it applies to all difficulties. I haven’t run Throne of the Tides since it was added to M+, but when they added Vortex Pinnacle and Temple of the Jade Serpent to M+ they changed the Normal Heroic and tw versions of those dungeons too, so Throne of the Tides probably got changed too

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