Three Weeks Left

I played Cataclysm when it originally launched. It sucked. Its gonna suck again so I would really prefer to stay in Wrath. I know the classic era players are happy as clams running AQ40 and Naxx over and over. Why can’t we have that for our game?

The fact that the prepatch annoucement listed off all the things that would disappear permanently without even a mention of Wrath era really felt like a punch in the gut.

Classic was supposed to preserve the old game and preserving the final state of the game before everything was overhauled should have been top prioirty but now we’re just repeating history.

And I personally, have not even done everything I wanted to do in Wrath. I only have 21 shards and I still have to do the infusion quests because every pug I’ve been in can’t make it past PP for whatever reason and with a time limit of 3 weeks, I won’t be able to. Its just not going to happen. Never beat Yog or Alg either since I didn’t have the GS to run Ulduar and when I did, TOC came out so it was too late. So I can’t even say I properly finished Wrath and that’s an issue that wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t a time limit on it.

People should be able to play at their own pace for as long as they want. That’s what Classic should have been. Its so demoralizing to see things like Aggrend tweeting out that he got his shadowmourne or someone got a second one on an alt. Like, that’s cool that you’ve got an entire guild supporting you but most of us don’t have that luxury and will be left in the dust on the 30th. Its completely anti-consumer and only benefits the “If you’re not first, your last” crowd.

If you want Cataclysm, that’s cool. I’m happy for you and all. But for everyone like me who originally quit the game when Cata came out and will do so again, please let us keep our game this time. Its so frustrating that we even have to fight to keep playing it in the first place but here we are. The most frustrating part was when Aggrend said they coudln’t stop premade BG groups because you can’t tell people “you can’t do that anymore.” while simultaneously telling us we can’t play Wrath anymore.

I unsubbed yesterday when I heard the annoucement and I won’t be giving Blizz another cent unless we get Wrath era as they no longer will be offering the service I originally subbed for. The promise that they could “one day bring it back” doesn’t work for me since I already spent so many hours on my character and I don’t want to start over. If Wrath era isn’t announced before the 30th, WoW is just over for me. This time for good.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, you lost my business forever.


It will not be coming back. Only vanilla has an active classic experience that sticks around. TBC died when Wrath came out and now Cata is being released so the classic crowd moves on. Might be able to stick around 4-5 months after with folks but it will die.

Also since Cata is the last classic they are doing the end result will be Vanilla classic servers and Cata classic servers as the only kind you will see in a few years.


I think doing classic to appeal to people who liked some old expansion, and then not letting them stay in that expansion makes no sense. If it were me, I would keep some servers in every xpac that classic goes up through, and let people move their characters to future xpacs if they want with that cloning idea they did.


I started in Cata and loved it, tried Vanilla and WotLK with their Classic versions, wasn’t a fan of those versions. But, I do think era servers should exist for TBC and WotLK. Why bring these versions of the game back only to strip them away yet again? Isn’t the whole point of Classic to bring back these experiences for those who wanted to play those versions, or missed them entirely?

I really don’t understand it. It isn’t like they can’t handle it; they already have like a bajillion Vanilla versions…


I do not understand what the plan is with classic TBH.

I get people wanted a classic realm. That’s cool. We got that. We also got seasons with themes and such. Ok, cool.

Then TBC and that was cool. Understandable.

Then wrath? I thought it was only because it was super popular. And still in the old world before cata. So it made sense.

But Cata? What’s the plan here? We have Cata now.

If people like it then it’s whatever I guess. Keep going till you catch up to retail . But I would just stop at Wrath. Have players experience all of it as it was . No removed content or items (when applicable) .


Not hardly. Way to completely misrepresent what happened.

TBC was wildly popular and going strong when they announced that Wrath classic was not going to have RDF. At that point a lot of people who had said they were only going to be playing Wrath Classic because they thought it was going to have a dungeon finder changed their minds. What Blizzard did was not only end TBC and port the characters to Wrath so people would have no choice but to grind through dungeons the trade chat way, they also ported all the unplayed Era characters to wrath because suck it, guys, we changed our minds after telling you that you could come back and play those characters in classic again.

They got a totally fake spike to report in characters that were in wrath. Did people get used to traveling individually to dungeons and find traveling individually made them thousands of lifetime friends? No, actually Blizzard ended up having to put in RDF after all, even though they had already shot themselves in the foot by convincing so many players not to have anything to do with playing wrath.

And the Era characters that were eliminated from ever playing Era again? When people wanted to go back when retail slowed down and play those characters only to find out that they basically no longer existed, instead of spending months replacing all their hard work and regearing characters, they quit the game. It’s a clear illustration of selling out your future for very short term gain.

They’re trying to prove that the game would have been more successful, that players would have “adapted” and got used to gameplay changes if only devs had stood their ground and not caved after so many players quit. They’re still blaming the playerbase.


the best we will get is wrath sod.
idc what they do i just want tbc back lol.


I shouldn’t have played Classic Wrath. TBC Wrath was my limit but I was tempted…
It didn’t feel good.

I won’t be coming back for Cata either.

Cata was great, can’t wait for it


Its honestly pointless to play any of them anymore. Unless you just want a temporary visit. Knowing it will be eventually removed.

It killed any desire i ever had for classic.


This is disingenuous. TBC never had its own server after Wrath came out.

TBC and Wrath have always been #1 and 2 for favorite xpacs. They should get their own server because they’re both classic eras.


Poor Worgen going back to the abomination of a model. In before we see a repeat of the Worgen player base killed off again due to the worst model in WoWs history.

Imagine thinking Cataclysm was bad when it gave us some of the best systems we still use today.


Nah, everyone hates transmog.


Apart from new races TBC was super bad since it buthcered alot of good lore for no reasons.

Yeah I guess that sucked but TBC still had fantastic raids, dungeons and introduced dailies.

I really don’t care elves anyways.


Transmogs, LFR, LFG, revamped old world, Horde focus of the story the first and only time, Vashjir. You clearly have no taste.

Dude, I gave your post an upvote and was clearly being facetious.

Since I’m, you know, transmog’d head to hoof.


Sarcasm is barley understood in an online forum.

Which is why I upvoted your post but ugh, whatevs. I’m not going to argue about it.

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