Three New Realms Now Open -- 8:20 p.m. PDT August 26

If this is what queing up to a server is going to be like every day this week, I am done with blizzard. This is such a joke. Any blind freaking molecule could’ve seen the hype for this. And you wait until the day of to release a couple servers, then slowly trickle a couple more after so many people have already been in que for 5 hours now. What an absolute horror show of a company you are.

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Hurry up and update damnit! I feel like a young kid again at Christmas.

“Near” future is still possible, but you’ve already missed the boat for “Very Near” future Blizztard.

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If Deviate Delight becomes either the new ED or the new VeCo I’d be happy either way.

Both of those communities in their prime rocked!


Thats the thing, I was logged in at that exact same time on Herod. Almost got in too then a quick dc and BAM back at 20k

Can we have it already? It’s pointless for us to keep spending time on Grobbulus when we’re going to switch once DD opens up

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Servers online


Hoping opening the new RPPVP server encourages folks who haven’t created characters yet on Grob to leave queue so those of us who did and got boned by the EK sweep can get back to business

It is open - just made 2 chars ^^ and am in ^^

We’re gonna have a looooooot of dead realms …

I find it funny that people are upset as if this wasn’t the most predictable outcome.

how near of future are we talkin here ive been waiting for hours already and as it is im not going to get to play with friends so wtf blizz?

too bad my guild picked a server this weekend - which wasn’t full at the time

now we have to wait till everyone’s back online, figure out where we want to go, and hope that we can get onto that one before it fills up and we get stuck in queue. no sense even starting a character without the rest of my guild because I’ll just end up abandoning it

New realms don’t matter to people who already got to 8-10 and got booted into a 5 digit queue…

The amount of resources they have and how they KNEW how damn popular this was going to be and be so little prepared for it is just sad.

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servers up

Servers are up!

Lol i just went up in que wtf is blizz doing?

any horde in herod?

they’re up now