Three New Realms Now Open -- 8:20 p.m. PDT August 26

We have to get into a queue to get into the queue for these new servers apparently.


Ive been refreshing this assuming it will show up there first


Are you planning on offering character xfers at all to allow people to move around?

New servers won’t help the queue if people don’t want to leave because they are already established



that’s funny stuff there
like Blizzard didn’t go into this knowing that there would be thousands of realm transfers being bought up at 25.00 a pop
per character

naw, they ain’t letting anyone transfer anything for free, this is what happens when an terrible IP buys a ‘classic’ one

I.E. take a look at Star Wars…


I dunno, a RP realm named Deviate Delight? Sounds to me like that is just a recipe to make Moonguard look innocent lol. Add pvp to the mix and well, yeah.

No thanks lol.

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Wait in Stalagg queue for 7 hours or wait for Blizz to open up a new server after 7 hours of waiting… oh the choices!


id also like to know this. ive been doing the alt f4 method so far

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It’s almost like a lot of people were excited to play classic wow, who knew


Was in-game playing on my warrior and dropped Grob like a bad habit the second I saw they were opening an east coast RP-PVP server.

You can have it. : )

Would rather sit on the realm screen and wait for them to open the server I wished existed this whole time. Deviant Delight, here we come!


So yeah - got out of Grobb to wait for the opportunity to get into a new queue. I should have know it was Soon™ and not like really soon.

More than 100k people waiting to play while still paying a subscription? more than a success.

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Let me in please

i want to play like i paid it

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actually , f it i never played on an rp server but i just gonna give it a try to see what the rp fuss is about
…hope i dont get any stds

Soon TM? lol

If they can get 3 new servers up in under an hour that would be pretty good going.

I am trying to get in karn something wth

I did the same

Unfortunately thats not the case, They haven’t even added the names of the five other servers they recently opened to that list.


what lvl were u?