Three guildies banned all at once (Incorrectly flagged)

Hi, I know gms and such do not have anything to do with this page however I was wondering if anyone has insight as to what may have happened here.

Two days ago the three separate accounts were banned all at once, their last login and play session was just them doing some heroics to gear up their 3-4th alts. At this point we as a five man group/guild have been playing continually for the past few months and have gotten into raiding the current Firelands raid. However now three of my core guys are now perma banned for the Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks).

This is the first offense of any kind one their accounts, there was zero prompt for this and it was whacked without notice. Again prior to our playtime in cata we had played SOD together and hardcore the last few years. These are people Ive known since school. Their accounts have been consistent and active, blizzards logs I would imagine can confirm this as well as the flagging.

Now there are a few possible reasons for this mis flag.

One being they have recently replaced a router due to it malfunctioning around Christmas time, I’m not sure if this messes with the connectivity side of things (changing IP or connections)

Two, the three that play are family so they are always connected from the same place, same IP, usually for the most part at the same time. They had also just recently quested through twilight highlands together as a trio. So I’m not sure if this couldve been flagged as botting, multiboxing or account sharing.

Lastly as Ive stated they have been active consistently. Raid logging, leveling, just generally on the game a ton. At this points its been two days, about 15+ tickets between the three of them. I’m aware there’s nothing else they can do but smash their headings into bliz.

However this is disheartening to say the least, I got my guys into this game and now its looking like we may be forced to quit all together. I’d just like someone to shed some light as to what it could’ve been.


Well, I’m not sure if it’s insight so much as the supposition that threshold settings can be such that they optimize for no false-positives, in which case almost nobody is suspended (or banned if that’s what you mean here) without adequate just cause, or they optimize for capturing bad actors, in which case several false-positives will happen (innocent players flagged/suspended).

If they are ramping up their efforts towards bots, then they may well be optimizing for capturing bad actors, and are prepared to handle and deal with the appeals.

If anyone feels their own account has been suspended or banned in error, they can submit an appeal.


So assuming with the new year they would probs be sending out ban waves with a new iteration of their warden. Ah and yes they all got permanent bans on their wow accounts.

I assumed that sort of action isn’t taken lightly however in this case blizz messed up 100% so if they are tweaking things that is understandable but that does leave us with a big nothing still.

If your friends don’t want to appeal, then they can either make new accounts or just not play, I guess.


As per my post, they have 15+ plus times across the three of them. They get the copy pasted responses from tier one gms that cant action anything of use.

Well, I’m not sure if they still do this, but it used to be that people who posted on the forums that they were falsely suspended or banned were encouraged to post _in the Customer Support forums, of course from their own accounts.

I’m not 100% sure that this is the appropriate place for this type of discussion now, but that is what I would do, if I suspected my account had been falsely banned.


Thats fantastic, thats the sorta insight I was chasing. I’ll refer all of them over to that.


Ah edit, As their accounts are perma one of them just tried to that but they are banned so it does not let them.

I have re-posted this over there now. So if this one can be taken down that would be awesome.

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You don’t need an active subscription to post in the Customer Support forum. That’s why it’s suggested they post there.


Three banned all at once…for cheating using 3rd party software…HMMMMMMMMMMMMM…sounds more like one botter got all their accounts banned at once.


Any botter worth the name would just spin up some new bots, not take issue to it on the forums. Pretty sure they all expect to be banned sooner or later and learn to not get attached.

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People also buy scripts and run them on private accounts thinking they won’t get caught on other accounts linked to the bots/scripts.

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if they got perma bans then this wasn’t their first time being suspended for breaking the rules


Snipy being incredibly helpful as always, telling OP to appeal when his post literally says they’ve already submitted multiple tickets.



Heres an insight: yo boys got caught cheating.


am i the only extremely intelligent person here that came to the conclusion OP was mutliboxing and got busted?

it’s against the rules, OP. And you should be ashamed for making this thread lying to everyone.

Update: so far one of them has been unbanned and hopefully soon the other two will follow. So happy news thus far.

If you guys get whacked and are innocent keep at it.

Multiboxing isn’t, and has never been against the ToS

It’s only when someone uses automation to multibox, that’s when it’s an issue and against ToS. Manual multiboxing is fine.

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clearly im talking about using software to multibox, and i have more experience multiboxing than you have time played on all your characters. i’m literally the 2nd best pvp multiboxer in actual vanilla wow.

lmfao okay little bro im sure you were