Threads on the game's direction is not deleted cause your thoughts are wrong but

They seem to really dislike the textual version of a fist fight around here. I wonder why… :smirk_cat:

If I ran a forum Id prefer to not have it just be people screaming at each other. Certainly wouldn’t want to platform hate or bigotry either.

You know, perfect world and all those hypotheticals.


Sometimes the forums feel like a Waffle House at midnight.

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I have always had wonderful and calm Waffle House experiences, I feel robbed honestly.


I dunno… the midnight trips I took to Waffle House were chill, playing “Wanna Buy a Duck?” :rofl: Of course, sans drinking. It was just for fun. hehe

For those that don’t know the game, you go around the table and you have to remember what to say as it runs back and forth, like this:

Base format:

Person 1: Wanna buy a duck?
Person 2: A what?
Person 1: A duck!
Person 2: Does it quack?
Person 1: Of course it quacks!
Person 2: Lemme hear it quack.
Person 1: QUACK!

Continuing forward with multiple people:

Person 2: Wanna buy a dog?
Person 3: A what?
Person 2: A what?
Person 1: A duck!
Person 2: A dog!
Person 3: Does it bark?
Person 2: Does it quack?
Person 1: Of course it quacks.
Person 2: Of course it barks.
Person 3: Lemme hear it bark.
Person 2: Lemme hear it quack.
Person 1: QUACK
Person 2: BARK
Person 3: (to another person) Wanna buy a cat?
Person 4: A what?
Person 3: A what?
Person 2: A what?
Person 1: A duck.
Person 2: A dog.
Person 3: A cat.
Person 4: Does it meow?
Person 3: Does it bark?
Person 2: Does it quack?

And… you get the picture. lol

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I’ve never had a bad Waffle House experience but there’s enough video evidence on YouTube to make me think midnight trips these days may not be a good idea.

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as this post gets flagged even though there is no reason for it to be.

I think the game direction is bad especially for PvP

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Fire all the mods and replace them with ai. At least then they won’t all share the same bias.

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You sure about that one?

You know, like the orientations. Straight and political.

The genders. Male and political.

The races. White and political.

The disability statuses. Able-bodied and political.


lol the irony. Protecting daddy blizz, but daddy blizz isn’t protecting you

OP mad that an anti-woke ragebait thread was taken down, twice.

waffle house is worse than the new “alleria.”

AI decision-making is even more biased than human. Most humans will, if they notice themselves making the same decision a few times in a row, at least pause for a moment’s reflection about whether that’s right. (Side note: I had a chemistry teacher once in high school who gave a midterm where almost every answer was C. The sheer level of “this can’t be right…” in the room was something to behold.) AIs aren’t capable of that level of self-awareness, they’ll just blitz right through the whole pack making the same biased decision every time.

I’ve never been to a Waffle House (ever, I think) but I used to sometimes go to Village Inn for midnight pie and it was always the most pleasant, but slightly baffling experience.

My SIL used to go regularly in college and she would always order the same thing, and every time the same stoned college dude would deliver the same wrong order.


That isn’t how that works. We receive reports, and we review those reports to determine if a post violates policy. If so, it will be removed and the account may be penalized.

We also may remove threads that may simply be problematic, or likely to become so. Discussing lore and or criticizing the story isn’t generally an issue, if the focus is on the story. Often, we’re forced to question the motivation behind the post, especially when focused in certain areas and on specific buzzwords.