Threads on the game's direction is not deleted cause your thoughts are wrong but

I know some people have been discontent with their threads being deleted with them criticizing the content of the game. Whether it is about the gameplay, the lore, and other such decisions. I’ve been one of the most vocal against the game’s direction so I already aware of the content censorship.


I want you guys to know that it not exactly because the mods are trying to silence your voice. On the contrary, I’ve been in threads that were controversial and up for weeks simply cause the mods are aware that nothing disruptive or bad is being sad. I’ve been suspended for posts that had nothing to do with criticism.

What does happen however is that mods are flooded with flagged reports. This isn’t as bad as you think from a civil point of view. What the mods are really doing is trying to silence the people that spam report and flag any post that criticizes World of Warcraft or Blizzard in general. Because people like that are not unable to tolerate anything that goes outside their world view, they tend to be very generous with the flag function. This happens a lot on reddit, too, if you wish to know the origin of that behavior.

Think of it this way: imagine that a bar allows any sports fans to come into their premises. Now imagine that everytime someone calls or complains to the bar that anyone who says anything bad about the Green Bay Packers should be banned from the bar. The bar owners can very well do that, but they know the majority of their paying customers are not Green Bay Packer fans. They COULD ban the people who complain, but then they’ll get bad publicity from the press for being a bar that bans Green Bay Packer fans. So the bar only has one choice: ban any sports team fanfare of any kind. They are doing this not cause they agree with either side, but it’s much easier to just silence the entire discussion because one side makes too much of a stink about it.

Rest assured, there is nothing wrong with what you are saying. Unfortunately, we live in an era where people cannot be mature and they must silence all discontent online. It may seem like you’re alone here, but you’re not. Just think of it as a small number of bad apples ruining it for the rest.


uhm whats going on here? did i miss something?


Bunch of threads talking about the game’s political and gameplay direction have been deleted over the past few months since TWW’s release. It was not deleted cause people were cursing at WoW, but because there’s a lot of defenders on the side of the aisle that agree with the devs’ decisions who come in and ignore any discussion, mass flag any posts that goes against their views, and throw insults to people like calling them sexist, racist, and other things. Basically, the equivalent of an angry vegan mob visiting a barbeque joint.


I dont know OP. I’ve criticized this game plenty of times without having any of those taken down or forum vacations for them.

It’s all about how you say it…and some people just can’t figure that out.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nevermind. If you talk politics its going to get deleted. No getting around that.


wouldn’t the people who have a problem with the game’s direction be the angry vegan mob visiting a barbeque joint in that analogy?


It’s more like, people have a problem with the game’s direction, but not in the way a vegan mob has against a bbq joint. It’s the intention.

People who dislike the direction of the game wants it to be better, so they come with arguments and discussion (and yes, you will sometimes have rude people from it).

A vegan mob just arrives whenever there’s someone eating meat. That’s the only condition they need to appear, no matter the circumstances.

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I can guarantee that the thread was not deleted unless the “political” talk got out of hand.

Which it will 100% get out of hand here.

Its not the political view, exactly. its that all political talks go south. 100%.


Op, I’ve seen your takes and likes. No sympathy.


Well my point is that we could have those discussions, but unfortunately, the side that doesn’t take political discussions lightly tends to be more childish and immature in how they handle it.

For instance, I can sit down all day and talk with someone about something and not throw a single insult their way, assuming they are respecting me in kind.

But on this forum, if you talk about Faerin, you will instantly have someone come in and say you must be racist. That’s it. No discussion. No intellect beyond the simple call out. And THAT is why the discussions go south. The bad apples.

My point is, no. You cant have those discussion online. Because the conversation will get out of hand.

Well. In those discussions you will absolutely have people saying being black is bad.

I like how you say TWW is too political and the first thing you bring up is a character’s skin color as your example. Implying that skin color is political.


I brought up skin color because that’s literally what all the deleted threads had full of. Packed with people that kept coming in and saying anyone who criticized the character as being racist and sexist. Despite people giving full reasons. THAT is the problem.

I’m not white, and I hate Faerin because she’s a boring Paladin. I don’t complain about her being woke.


So you believe all the deleted threads focusing on her skin color, were political threads?

…because skin color is political?


Ok. So without mentioning her race, gender, or disability…what would you like to discuss about the character?


Its not that easy to figure out when the moderators make up violations on the fly.
Apprently talking about watching someone stream a game that is not wow on Discord is worthy of a silence and suspension as it violates the unlisted “other” policy in the CoC.

No one makes skin color political except those who enter and cry racist.

If I make a thread saying that Arathi was never black in the lore, you will have people coming in and saying you are racist. Even though it is a fact that this is true. No other intellect will come from it. Nothing else produced. No asking why, how, no deep conversations.

Just a simple: YOU RACIST. Bad apples.

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I’m sure it has nothing to do with the verbal riot those threads inevitably become.


Yeah that’s not any better.

But you did.

You said the threads deleted were political.

You said they were about her skin color.

You are making her skin color political. Right now. If her skin color is not political, than the threads focusing on it were not political threads that got deleted.


I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. Reread my post until you do.