Threads on the game's direction is not deleted cause your thoughts are wrong but

I understood it.

You feel that political threads of the wrong political view get deleted.

An example of this (that you gave), are the threads discussion NPCs skin color.

Which means you feel skin color is political.


This thread will be a great example of what I’m referring to cause certain people will not and cannot help themselves. :slightly_smiling_face:

Another troll he trolling

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I am going to say this one more time and not again.

People like myself do not make skin color political.

The ones who cry racism do.

That is all I am going to say to you.


You have done nothing but make skin color political since starting this thread.


You aren’t exactly helping the situation either. There’s a reason politics and religion are verboten here; they always end in a dumpster fire that does no one any good. It took twenty posts for this thread to get hostile. That’s why those other threads and this one will get deleted.


Surely this thread will remain up.


It might last all night since it’s almost 5 o’clock in CA.

Those twenty posts proved my point.

And those twenty posts are why Blizzard has a policy against those types of threads.


My thread is more to explain to others that don’t feel discouraged about your threads being deleted if it’s saying something bad about something in TWW. Although yes it feels like Blizzard is favoring the people who mass report, there’s a more reasonable motive behind it that can be tough sometimes to accept. In a world where certain thoughts are silenced across media, social media, internet, and elsewhere, it can be hard to feel hopeful of being able to say things you have on your mind. Even if it might offend some naysayer.

…so you think making a half elf, black, blind in one eye, amputee. Is a good start to a character.

That inital read feels like a DM who wants to play a super special character, and forces it onto the players.

Shes actually really bland beyond her physical traits if were being honest, she lacks any wow/impressive moments.

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There’s a bit of irony in the fact that a thread that has been up since August discussing Faerin has returned to the front page and hasn’t been deleted. Pretty much defeats the OPs entire argument.


whoa whoa whoa

but no one is allowed to criticize her!


I can guarantee the threads that brought about yours were in no way made with any sort of reasonable motive behind them. They were made to create as much discord as possible until a mod deleted it.


digging straight down with this one aren’t we?


It always comes down to them being mad a black, one eyed, one armed women was in the game.

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You…clearly misread my post.

I get the intent behind it but I’m not naive enough to know that the thread from earlier today didn’t motivate this one.


Irony part 2…is that the OP heavily implies that Faerin’s existance is politically motivated in their post in that thread. lol.