Threads of Fate is missing

I need help unlocking Korthia during Dragonflight. I made an alt, sent her to Shadowlands to level. Since she wasn’t level 60, the storyline was the only option. I began it, and then changed my mind and left. I leveled her elsewhere and now that she’s at 70 I went back to unlock all of the zones, but the Threads of Fate option is nowhere to be found! In the past once you reached 60, as long as another toon had finished the storyline, you could take your alt to Oribos and switch to Threads of Fate…but now I can’t. Tal-Inara and Roh-Tal both don’t have it. I originally got about 4 quests into the Bastion campaign before bailing and now the next quest with the Kyrian is the only thing I have available… any ideas?

Unfortunately, “Shadowlands is part of the normal leveling content, as such the Threads of Fate option is no longer available.”

Here’s the support thread, up-to-date as of 3 weeks ago:
Cannot Start Threads of Fate

If I remember correctly, if your toon had started any quests prior to this change, you were locked out of Threads of Fate. If you made a new toon today and didn’t take her to SL until level 60 (so not at 58) and chose the skip at the start, you’d be able to. But since you’ve started the SL story, you’re stuck.

One of my alts is the same way. Sorry :frowning:


I once did questing in Shadowlands before level 60, and then activated Threads of Fate at level 60.

I found the ToF NPC someone in the outer ring of Oribos, spoke to him and got to skip all the quests I was yet to finish lol

OP: Try to find this guy and talk to him. See if it works for you.


That doesn’t work any longer. That used to be how it worked. OP said she already tried talking to Roh-Tahl.

Per the support article:
"The Threads of Fate Campaign skip in Shadowlands is no longer available for leveling or max-level characters.

Any characters who have already chosen Threads of Fate prior to Dragonflight will be able to finish it. However, characters who never initiated Threads of Fate will be restricted only to the zone-by-zone Covenant campaign for Shadowlands."

It bugs out. Had to party sync with a friend to get the NPC back. Then let me do it.

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Weird. It worked for me not too long ago, cause I just returned from a long absence. I don’t think it’s been a month.

I hadn’t bought the expansion yet though. Could that be the reason?

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What level was the friend? Did they have Threads of Fate currently active? (I see this come up a lot, and this is the first time I’ve seen someone say they’ve managed to get it back with a workaround, so I’m curious on the details.)

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You can unlock threads of fate as soon as you hit level 60. All you do is talk to the NPC. There is no quest anymore.

If you START Shadowlands at 60 or higher the NPC comes up to you immediately and offers threads of fate. I have done this 6 times in the past 2 months so I know it works.

The only change from Shadowlands - Dragonflight is that DURING Shadowlands, you could unlock threads of fate at 50, and use it to level. That is no longer the case. You have to hit 60 now. Otherwise it works the same.


Right but it’s weird - if you even so much as GO to SL before 60 or pick up any quests, you’re locked out. If you haven’t already started Threads and/or if you’ve started the SL story, or you go there before 60… you can’t get Threads. It’s super annoying, because I have an alt stuck mid-way through the story at level 70 that can’t pick a covenant. (And I just want mog, lol)

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You are not. I have started SL between 50 and 60 on 6 alts in the past 2 months. Threads is availble the moment you ding 60, though as I said you have to walk to the NPC yourself. I just did it on another alt 3 days ago. This particular alt levelled 55-60 in SL.

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Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. And I don’t think anyone has figured out the pattern to why some characters get locked out.


The OP is in the same situation I’m in on an alt, and we don’t have the dialogue option when we talk to the NPC on the outer ring in Oribos. We both started the SL story, left SL and leveled elsewhere. Now at level 70 when we go back to SL, we can’t pick up Threads to skip. We’re stuck finishing the story zone-by-zone before we can do WQ or pick a covenant.


I have a total of 10 characters between 60 and 70. 2 of them levelled to 60 during Shadowlands, so I’ll take those out of the picture. The other 8 were levelled to 60 during Dragonflight. I used one 60 and one 70 boost, on both of those the NPC appears and freezes everything until you choose the moment you enter Oribos, so I’ll take those out of the picture as well.

So the remaining 6 all levelled 50-60 during Dragonflight, manually with no boosts. Every one of them entered SL at no higher than 55. On every single one, as soon as I hit 60, I flew back to Oribos, talked to the NPC, activated threads, then picked a covenent. I have never once seen it not work.


Waiting for Sendryn to appear, as they have a lot of info on this… (:

PS: speak of the devil… :sunglasses:

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In order to unlock ToF, you must be level 60+ and never touched SL beforehand. No quests, no portals, no learning all of the flightpaths from the toy… nothing. Then you must pick up the quest in the city to talk to the DKs, skip the Maw and then you’ll get the choice for ToF— as long as it doesn’t bug out.

For leveling, no. But it is available for 60+ with the above conditions.


Congratulations on being lucky! I mean, are you saying that all of the very many people who say the NPC doesn’t have the dialog option are just hallucinating?


I’ve unlocked it on 6 characters, after levelling 55-60 in Shadowlands content. As soon as I hit 60, I fly back to Oribos, talk to the NPC, and activate it. Works every time.

The only change made from SL-DF is that you can no longer use it between 50 and 60. You have to hit 60 first.

The last character is a mage that hit 60 3 days ago, I did this in 10.2.5.


This isn’t true. I’ve had it work on characters that have done quests. So, it’s something else that causes the block for some characters.


Interesting. I haven’t tried this.

It absolutely is true— if you’d learn to read further.

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