Thread Locking

Threads should lock after x amount of time, like the EU forums already have implemented.



It’s fun seeing threads from 2 years ago get dredged up though.


But I want to post my meme. Can’t just leave that taking pixelate dust

Make it x amount of time of inactivity, so the lounge threads and the like can be kept open.


on the righthand side theres a " similar " thread thingy. i think the intent is that we dont make more posts but just necro those posts.
this way they can compile a massive report instead of having to go through all these individual threads about stuff

We are talking about limiting thread visibility but in my mind, I’m playing Double Dragon the NES.

I think it should really be like one week, even a month is too long. At least on GD where there are hundreds of active threads per day, in pet battle forums no auto-closure is needed.

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One week seems a bit quick but that’s fair if you feel that way.

I just wonder what was done for the EU forums to operate that way to prevent years old necros but our forums not so much

one week is way too short for the cs forums.

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What about 2010-2012?

There aren’t hundreds of new threads a day on GD anymore. It’s much lower than that.

Yes they should auto lock after 30 days with no activity.

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Yeah that feels so valid and makes sense imo too either that or 60 day timers but still