I’ve asked this before, but is there any way to trigger this cutscene playing in-game? It’s not as bad as the Emperor’s speech from Rise of Skywalker being only available in Fortnite, but I cannot stress this enough, important story beats in a videogame MUST OCCUR WITHIN SAID VIDEOGAME.
You know, I don’t really remember.
I feel like I probably saw it in game, but I always see stuff on WoWhead before I play the game just because of the nature of viral news.
This is kind of sad, him being a shaman presenting the elements forgiving the orcs for their whole demon blood shenanigans. It was a redemption for the orcs and them returing to their shamanistic roots. As he was the first orc after the war to be a shaman, kind of lame blizzard decided to deshaman him. Or maybe it is a sign that blizzard is just thinking the horde is just evil and can’t be redeemed.