And most are smaller than they actually claim to be
they gotta take the hero characters out of our heroes, and then also their height too.
I was joking, but…
The narrative kept forgetting that Garrosh was older than Thrall. Or maybe is quite tall, even taller than an orc who is taller than the average orc.
…I genuinely never noticed because all my orcs are female.
The only men who brag are the ones who are not big enough
He’s old. He doesn’t carry himself with the same gusto he once did. He was in the Shadowlands for all of 5 minutes before he was almost mortally wounded.
Perhaps the reduction in his model is to lend a visual component to the character’s age having caught up with him.
This age theory has never been applied to any other character. shoot with this logic, night elfs would be a few feet since they lived for thousands of years.
Night Elves eat their veggies tho
Is that the secret, shoot let me tell my dawgs to lay off the hogs and eat their veggies.
Mental image of Malfurion eating a bowl of tiny treants that resemble carrots and broccoli. Sticking forks into them and crunching them up in his mouth, despite their screams of panic.
It’s not about his literal age, it’s about wanting to portray him as having aged.
Again I have not seen them do this for any other character.
Again, it’s probably just to provide a visual reference for the relative weakness of the current incarnation of this one particular character.
I feel like your going way out of your way to make an excuse for blizzard. Or do you actually have something from blizzard stating this? It just doesn’t make any sense for them to do it to this one character.
In more likely hood, they just did want thrall to look more badass or heroic. I say this because they have done this with the horde over and over again.
Just my opinion. And you seem to have kind of come to the same conclusion I did in your second paragraph there, I just focused on the age aspect.
Got ya, I will respect your opinion. I personally think it is stupid to have a name npc be shorter then playable PC. Inexcusable since rest of leader or character are much taller.
I’d buy this if they did this with other characters.
But after the Kalimdor book basically said the horde was lesser because they were savages?
I think it’s pretty clear they just wanted Anduin to look the most impressive.
Did you watch the Safe Haven cinematic? This treatment seems to be unique to Thrall because they’ve gone out of their way already to show his combat fitness is not what it once was. If he showed up in Shadowlands as Vanilla-Cata era Thrall, it would be far too much in the opposite direction and the entire lead-in to the expansion that has almost nothing to do with Thrall would be all about Thrall.
But ultimately I would guess it has more to do with—as you said—selling Anduin as a young, vibrant leader, which they couldn’t do if Thrall was still the old Thrall. Downsizing the in-game model of Thrall is an immediately visual method of letting the audience know that this isn’t the infallible green superhero of yesteryear.
The devs probably just forgot to scale his model up, y’all are crazy
I agree with this, but he doesn’t look short in safe haven.
He and Varok are the same height.
But re: combat?
Everyone knows Thrall’s washed up, it’s because he’s permanently doubting himself.
I don’t think anyone disagrees with that part.
The why of it? I disagree. But there’s no denying that Thrall’s an idjit who tosses axes at Helya.
I’m not arguing that Thrall has literally shrunk, I’m just saying they might have gone with a smaller model to accentuate his smaller role in the narrative and diminished heroic presence.