Thrall panel summary/reduced transcript

Well, he was both. Before becoming a slavemaster himself, Rehgar was an ogre-owned gladiator, then got sold to a clan of orcs. He was brought to Azeroth by his owner’s clan to fight in the war, then got sold to a human master, after which he escaped and continued competing in underground arenas as an independent fighter until he could afford to buy and sponsor his own gladiators.

and they are dead. Lots of good Thrall did. for them!

He is pretty much responsible for their deaths.

Erevien, you were from the ru-forums, right? Or were you everywhere, and I only looked at the ru- and eu-en forums?

I am from the german forums. But I visit all the others too to spread my influence and get Blizzard to notice me and what I want.

I’d play a Yaungol in a heartbeat :laughing:

This is a issue I have with WoW since Wrath.


The beginning of that sentence terrified me in ways I cannot express.

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Seriously. I get the idea behind WoW was always that we’re the nameless soldier NPCs set en masse to their deaths while the demigod hero characters take credit.

But before it really felt like the story was more about the world and our adventure in it. Characters like Thrall and Tyrande were there, sure, but unless they had something for you to do they usually minded their own business.

And in Wrath it was cool when they turned up more. There’s a great bit in Borean where you and a Deathstalker are dispatched by Garrosh (who else?) to take down a Master Necromancer. This of course turns out to be a suicidal task and you’re both boned until Saurfang turns up to help you out.

That was cool. As it was a surprising thing and it helped tell the story. Saurfang is cleaning up after Garrosh who is sending specialists to their deaths- against necromancers. The worst type of enemy to send doomed soldiers at.

But now that’s just how WoW works. After the first questline in Silverpine Sylvanas is fist bumping your toon and calling them exceptional for being able to handle fairly common problems.

I think part of the reason I like SL so much is because the hero characters sit still in Oribos for the most part and don’t ring me up to go do ish everytime I come within orbit of a world quest.