Thrall in War Within

No regrets.

Nah Thrall has a part to play in story with how the Horde fell apart. He put Garrosh in charge. He then ran away when he knew he made a bad decision. Him being away from the Horde was how we lead down the path of the two bad leaders that ruined the faction.

And in story, the Horde are told by Sylvanas that we were going to the Darkshore because the Alliance had stored massive amounts of Azerite there. And it was an arms race. Except that wasn’t true. There was an arms race but the Nelves weren’t involved.

The Horde now has arrested any Sylvanas loyalist NPCs and has moved on from that.

Thrall’s inner conflict should be with how he wiffed on his responsibilities and how that lead us to now.

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I hope he dies

Only because Sylvanas was working with Zovaal, and Sylvanas at that time, was Warchief of the Horde. Whether any of us like it or not, the Horde was complicit.

Might as well not blame the Horde for turning Draenor into a wasteland planet and killing the Draenei, or starting the First and Second Wars.

Many in the Horde had no idea that she was working with Zovaal and Helya until Shadowlands and by then Sylvanas was out of the Horde after murdering one of our leaders. The only one I think that did was Nathanos and Tyrande killed him in the prepatch to SL.

The problem with the Horde was that they made the NPCs not able to power wise stand up to Sylvanas. They gave her this ridiculous power up and no one, not even magic users could beat her. So the most people could do was go against her behind her back. It was incredibly dumb and should be retconned.

The writers should never have been allowed to ruin faction fantasy for a good portion of the playerbase.

And the Horde in the first and second wars was not Thrall’s Horde.

The rest of the Horde had no idea what she was really up to. That’s why a good portion of them revolted.

Thrall hasn’t been interesting since Warcraft 3. They really should have had him killed by Garrosh in WOD.

We can’t afford to lose more leaders. He just needs to get his head out of his butt.

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Ten points to bring up here:

  1. He’s helped fixed the problem every single time the Horde has gone astray. Last person that deserves any blame or second hand guilt.

2-10. Thrall shouldn’t be considered anything but a neutral character for like more than a decade now and certainly not a representative or more than tangentially related to “The Horde” as it exists.

He wasn’t even around the last time the Horde went astray and wasn’t really any part in fixing the problem. He just said, I don’t want to be leader.

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Does that make him 2 for 3 or 1 for 2 then? I forget.

Either way that just reminds me of points 2 through 10:

Thrall is pretty dead to me, personally. I don’t care less about him than Baine but it’s comparable.

I think he’s just a product of them removing a lot of things that made the Horde at the beginning of this game great. They just kept chipping away at it, and then BFA was the nuclear bomb to the faction. It’s why we have no real leaders that mean anything to replace him. We did in Vol’jin but they killed him off to a trash mob.

We need writers that actually care about the Horde as it was in WC3 up to Cata.

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Even if they didn’t, they should’ve seen the signs. Attempting to enslave Odyn’s Val’kyr? Invading Ashenvale? Raising the dead on both sides? Those three should’ve been a cause for concern. Hell, SYLVANAS off all people being warchief should’ve raised red flags. They should’ve known better after Garrosh.

But they didn’t. And look what happened. Ignorance is no excuse.

It was based off of the Old Horde. It consisted of clans from the Old Horde.

They should’ve killed him off in Legion instead of Vol’jin.

Maybe in TWW he’ll change his mind. Maybe go as far as thinking that without him the Horde will fall apart.

I think Thralls Inner battle will be

“Why the heck do i keep throwing my Axes away?”

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What signs? We weren’t even told anything in our story. They show Sylvanas meeting up with Helya back during Legion but don’t say what they were talking about. And at this point there is no clue of anything.

No it was not. It was emphatically in opposition to that version of the Horde.

Well it did so he should think that.

Attempting to enslave Odyn’s Val’kyr? You know, one of our allies against the Legion? Invading Ashenvale? Raising the dead on both sides? Those three should’ve been a cause for concern. Hell, SYLVANAS off all people being warchief should’ve raised red flags. They should’ve known better after Garrosh.

But they didn’t. And look what their ignorance has done.

Which seemed like her trying to give herself extra lives.

Which just seemed like her going crazy. Which also doesn’t make sense. Her story from Cata on is in opposition to her earlier characterization of liberation and freedom of choice.

They were a cause for concern. But what they were not was no clue that she was working with Zovaal to break the soul engine.

Again was no clue about the SL. She never should have been made Warchief. She only was because Vol’jin thought he was talking to HIS loa who had prophesized that she needed to be Warchief and it ended up just being Mue’zala. Who we also were not told about.

What could the Horde do to stand up to Sylvanas with a power up of supernatural proportions when they’ve spent years powering down the Horde and powering up the Alliance?

And risk pissing off Odyn and his Valarjar.

Which proves my point.

Doesn’t change the fact they did nothing about it. Ignorance is no excuse. They should have known better.

Oh I don’t know, how about say NO? Have Saurfang put his foot down and refuse to play along with Sylvanas’ scheme? If she was so powerful as you say, she would’ve torched Teldrassil herself and not need an army or a fleet.

She didn’t care.

What point?

Ignorance is every excuse. If you aren’t given information, you can’t react to it yet. This is monday morning quarterbacking here. The only thing she had done up to a certain point was attack the Alliance and sorry, you were the enemy. That wasn’t out of sorts.

Saurfang and Baine did do that. Saurfang was killed and Baine kidnapped and almost killed.

He did, he’s dead now for it.

Because she was playing the long game. Getting everyone to believe this was an arms race when she was really trying to kill as many as possible to break the soul engine.

If we were sitting here before SL you’d have no idea what she was planning either, so stop pretending like we somehow did.

And a lot of us took the non-loyal story path anyway. :woman_shrugging:

She would be when the Valarjar literally divebombs on Lordaeron and Orgrimmar.

That they should’ve known something was up.

So they should just forget the crap Garrosh did? Sylvanas was literally doing what Garrosh originally wanted, and that didn’t ring any bells?

Yeah, AFTER Teldrassil, not BEFORE. And even if she killed him, it would’ve turned the Horde against Sylvanas.

Oh and Baine wasn’t kidnapped. He was arrested, and that already had Thrall come back and it risked the Tauren breaking off from the Horde.

Again. LONG after Teldrassil. He should’ve done it before hand.

I’m not talking about Shadowlands, I’m talking about the world literally bleeding out, and instead of working with Earthen Ring or Cenarion Circle to deal with that crisis, Sylvanas plans to invade Ashenvale and harvest that blood to make weapons of war. That alone should’ve raised red flags among the Horde leaders. But it didn’t. If they did, the Fourth War wouldn’t have started, and SL wouldn’t have happened.

Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it. The Horde failed to do that with Sylvanas. I want Thrall to realize that and make a decision. Either to fully commit to the Horde and ensure they do learn from history, or deem it a lost cause and stay neutral.