Thrall in War Within

There is a theme playing within the new xpac. Anduin’s struggling with coping with his stint as a Death Knight, Alleria struggles with her Void whispers. But what of Thrall?

I think his inner conflict would be the Horde’s complicity in the Fourth War and the Shadowlands disaster that followed. He can’t deny their part in it, and he can’t even defend the Horde for what they have done. Perhaps Xal’atath or another entity or even Alleria herself would taunt him, saying he was wrong about the Horde being different than the old Horde, and the world would be better off without it, and Thrall would be forced to contemplate whether their words ring true or not.

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He might still be haunted by memories of Garrosh. Looking at the current truce and cooperation between Alliance and Horde, and wondering if it could have come earlier, before so much blood had been shed.

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From what comments I’ve read by people in the Alpha, Thrall peaces out right after we land in Khaz Algar and we don’t see him again. Maybe he comes back in a later patch, but the main focus of the 11.0 narrative seems to be surrounding Anduin, Alleria, and the Earthen.


Thrall has been dealing with his inner problems since Cata the last thing we need is more mopey Thrall.


Wouldn’t this just be a repeat of Garrosh and the Horde for MoP and WoD, except he is less connected to the matters this time around.

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And the majority have had enough of Alliance NPCs leading the charge in the xpacs. Thrall hasn’t been noteworthy since WoD.

People want to see Thrall in his old glory, we need to settle his depression.

You rather have had it resolved via that pep talk from his mom? Jaina had a whole questline around her coming to terms with Theramore and her father.

Thrall needs something like that, as well as acknowledge the Horde’s mistakes, vowing to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself again.

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Eventually Thrall will snap out of it, probably when the Horde is in dire straights and a hero is needed to step up and open up an industrial strength can of woop…

he struggles with being a people pleaser and trying to solve everyone’s mental health struggles which leaves him no time to help himself

To our knowledge, while overall I feel like Anduin maybe the one with the biggest role in War Within and the rest of the WorldSoul Saga. I don’t believe Thrall and Valeria are to have that big of roles.

Which is needed, the WorldSoul Saga needs new faces to be able to tell a story that the players might actually care about for once.

His rejection of leadership kicked off like what, 20 years of war in game time? They should do something King Lear-esque with him.

One, its Alleria, Not Valeria. And two, not everyone wants new faces. Look at the Sequel Trilogy of Star Wars.

So… reduce him to a homeless, insane wreck while his son or daughter marries Anduin and invades Durotar to restore order?

Yeah… like that’s ever gonna happen.

Didn’t say they did, but for a story that’s going to encompass three expansions over roughly 6 years, they’re probably gonna need some.

There are pros and cons to using the same cast, especially in terms of telling a new larger story compared to the more compact 2 year long ones the WoW community is used too.

His inner conflict is that he’s on the run from Shattrath DEA for those two revenue agents he and Saurfang killed. (They had bupkis to do with Sylvanas. That was a story Saurfang spun up to get him going.) They’re still looking for the shadowy felweed kingpin called “Go’elenburg” and they’re following up leads…

Thrall is busy leveling an alt because Shaman is a dead class


Thralls biggest failure is Garry, so definitely this.


I can see it. They’ve done weirder things.

Thralls out there thinking “man…I was in actual hell and I was fussy about a weapon.”

Look I’m still salty about how stupid that intro to the Shadowlands was.


And it will be horribly received by the fandom.

That’s not a reason why they make storytelling decisions.

It wasn’t the Horde that planned the Shadowlands problem. It was Zovaal the Jailor. The Allilance and Horde worked together as “Maw walkers” to rescue their heroes and restore order in the afterlife.