Thrall got his Mojo back

Bwonsamdi made a deal with Rastakhan for power. I don’t think Bwonsamdi re-negotiated mid fight.

He has dialogue in the middle of the fight.

Rastakhan keeps asking for more power and Bwomsamdi answers at the end something along the lines of: you know what? I think is time for you to die. But in his troll accent of course.

been waiting for someone to point that out!

I’ll take your word for it. I tried doing Dazar’Alor exactly once and realized it was just trying to make the Horde feel even worse, so I never went back.

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Yeah, he did ultimately let him die. Bwon fulfilled his part of the contract to help reclaim Zuldazar. Anything beyond that was technically a bonus, and Bwon had already been voicing his frustrations that Rastakhan had been using the power of the Loa of Kings to avoid dying of Old Age. Which … while not technically breaking the “No Necromancy” rule, it does break the spirit of it. “You are not supposed to deny Bwon his due”. Which, is interesting because Bwon seems perfectly fine letting Vol’jin go follow his SLs destiny; probably because Jin was such a devout and reliable follower.

So … with Rastakhan proving himself unable to defend his own kingdom, even with pretty heavy juicing by Bwon … Bwon just “yeah, its time’d” him. Plus, with what we know now about what Bwon has been doing with most of his power during that period, for all we know giving more to Khan than Bwon already did might have endangered every soul he cares for in De Otherside.

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There seemed to be a lot of indications that Bwon was far more interested in Talanji than he was Rastakhan. Bwon got a lot more interested when a Pact was struck that included her in the deal for sure, and he is noted as having a ‘soft spot’ for her and putting up with a lot more backtalk than he would from anyone else. Even saying that, it seems Bwon HAS been hiding Rastakhan’s soul from his boss… which makes sense given what a massive bundle of anima it would be if consumed.

I mean, he was quite demanding to him all the time. Did you see the angry ‘are you kidding me?’ look Bwonsamdi gives him when he yells at him to grant him power in that cutscene? Lol

I think he got fed up with him being all hostile to him in BoD as well, he was being like a grumpy Raid Leader. Probably also ‘overloaded’ him with power on purpose so he’d end up getting overwhelmed and dying. At that point he was pretty much like ‘Mon, I be tired of ya attitude’ and the Alliance beating him up didn’t help either

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Dazar’alor was the capstone of an 8.1 story that took multiple dumps on the Horde. Even now it really just irritates me how much they saw fit to make the Horde appear weak, evil, and useless for that entire patch.

Rastakhan’s boss fight was terrible, especially at the end where he basically just starts lamenting how he’s cursed his daughter with a terrible power and dies full of regret.


I’m still really salty that they just killed him off a patch later, after he’s been finally shown ingame. If Bwonsamdi wants to ressurrect him, then I’m all for it. I also swear they were trying to ‘villian bat’ Bwonsamdi at that point too, with the way they showed his death

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I doubt he’d go that far, but I do think that Rastakhan had pushed the boundaries of their deal in ways that clearly pissed of Bwon. When you combine that with the reality that Rastakhan’s soul apparently should have been his years ago without Rezan’s meddling, and the tying of the deal to his blood line … Rastakhan just apparently went over Bwon’s BS threshold.