Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

Jaina was the main reason the Horde lost in Bfa and walked away from her raid fight with zero injuries. I will forever hate her for this.

Um … When this thread was resurrected it popped up as if new and unread by me…

Also the forums frequently glitch and load the threads at the first post.

Just pointing out some valid reasons why someone would run into a years old thread and respond to post.

Oh and checking dates isn’t something I generally do unless I don’t recognize anyone of the posters.

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Poor Thrall, every time he tries to step away from the Horde, to raise his kids and be with his wife. Nope. Some dimwit in charge goes all Joseph Stalin and decides to commit atrocities.

And Jaina…

She betrays her father to make peace with Thrall and the Horde in Theramore. Theramore is later nuked by the Horde. The Horde uses Dalaran as a staging point to steal the Panda Bell from Darnasus, in the process of recovering it Garrosh wounds Anduin (Varian should have captured and tortured Garrosh for that). The Horde attacked Kul’tiras and murdered non combatants.
Everytime the Horde interacts with Jaina, with exception of getting her brother back. She ends up losing something precious.

Someone needs to make Thrall immortal so he can keep those fools in check.

There are times where she uses a different voice in other media, and when she does it’s hard to tell that it’s her.

Highly disagree. I don’t like gray and white hair colors. Jaina should get a new hair color.

If we need a green human to help ourselves then it’s time to abandon the peace alltogether.

The Horde, is like having a collection of Rednecks and Crackheads form a government and expecting it to go well.

The Tauren and Vulpera being the only fluffy exceptions.